Michael Caffee

Oh. Well that's very generous of you, but no. No, thank you.


I prefer to think of it as a "Wicker Man" where, rather than bees getting in your eyes, it's constant visions of unkempt pubic hair.

"Vince Vaughn's dialogue is supposed to sound shitty, dude. That's his character. You just need to be in the right mindset.

I went to an American public school for high school. And while it surely had its fair share of boring moments, for the most part my English classes were pretty entertaining. When dealing with Shakespeare, we did a lot of live performances of plays (not just read-throughs at our desks), and watched some great films and

Ash much as I'd like to join in, I avoid tree pun threads.

"It's called…it—it's just…it's just called Two Blood Brothers!"

For the most part, reboots these days have just been shameless and lazy attempts to cash in on already-existing products. But in this case, well…Michael K. Williams can cash it in as much as he wants. Make this happen.

If I'm a tree, then I'm a very manly tree.

I think every episode so far this season has had at least one A.J. moment that's been pretty funny. This week it was probably her arm pumping gesture that she did as Forrest was leaving to take on the "Catfish" review. And her alarmed expression at Forrest as he was evaluating the segment at the end. I love it

I loved the whole "Catfish" segment, and it personally was one of "Review's" funniest in quite some time. The whole layout was great, especially the format where the instant messaging updates were popping up at the bottom of the screen. Forrest's line about waiting for a reply being "maddening" was certainly

Head bent over…

All kidding aside, I don't think Rick is the "ideal" scientist by these standards, since he or she would be completely free from the shackles of morality and sympathy. I'm glad the article stated that he is "(mostly) amoral," since he's shown empathy to Morty in episodes like "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind" and

Burger time!

Rikki tikki tavi, bitch!

Deputy Director of the CIA, Avery Bullock. Working for someone who both sounds like Patrick Stewart and has many odd sexual fetishes would make for a good time.

Me too. The "American Fung" episode was definitely a low point. Still, this most recent season has had ones like "Blonde Ambition," "CIAPOW," "LGBSteve," and "Morning Mimosa," which I think are pretty high up in terms of great AD episodes. The good ones are still good, but it seems like the bad ones have gotten much

My mistake, I thought that's what you meant but didn't want to start off by saying "oh, that obscure show that aired on Showtime for a few years? I miss it too!" I'm always happy to hear people on AVC actually remember it. It's one of my favorite drama series of all time, as you can probably tell. Great storytelling

Anyone ever tell you that you have the confidence of a white kid with upper-middle class parents?
