Michael Caffee

Why do men always leave the toilet seat up?

This "lazy reboot of a movie you sort of remember" train ain't stopping anytime soon. Choo choo!

This one is absolutely up there. I'm not saying it's better, but I think the "Road Rage, Orgy" episode from last season is at least as funny as this episode. But to each their own.

And boy, did he get it. Typically it's recommended to be versed in all seven parts of the Kama Sutra before attempting any sexual act with a middle-aged high school teacher. (They're total freaks, as you saw.) But hey, Forrest knows his stuff.

I haven't watched either, though I've heard good things about "Bates Motel." The original story that the series stems from is obviously well-known, but the show appears to be a good one in its own right, regardless. "12 Monkeys" has gotten a mixed response as far as I know, though some really enjoy it. I did love the

Forget the "throwing shit at a wall and seeing if it sticks" strategy. Now NBC has simply resigned itself to just throwing shit at a wall. But if making lazy reboots of somewhat-forgotten movies is the future of network TV (as it appears to be), then rest assured NBC's gonna get that on lockdown. No one does lazy

Thanks for laying it out for me. As a loyal viewer since last season, I didn't realize the whole conceit until your terse and somewhat unnecessary comment! Anything else you'd like to clear up for me while we're here? You sure sound like you're in the know.

I love how committed Forrest is to the point of greatly damaging the people around him, and even having his own livelihood threatened. But even then he'll still keep at it. Like when the fire happened during the "little people" segment. Not once did he think to "break character" and stand up to grab the extinguisher.

"I guess they'd get a big kick out of seeing my name signed on there, huh?"

Her intelligence level aside, I do like how AJ is getting more stuff to do. Ever since seeing the whole "poop bomb" she set in the "Revenge" episode, I think she remains an underrated part of the show.

I loved the entire "little person" segment, especially the parts with the props. That toothbrush gag was hilarious, as was his newly-remodeled office.

"Think about it for a second. How would I have driven home without my glasses?"

Fucking series-renewing, fart-saving, carpet store motherfuckers.

The trailers have been a bit underwhelming, but I still can't wait for the "Childhood's End" miniseries. Arthur C. Clarke and Charles Dance are always a good time.

I did enjoy the whole "event" of watching it, for lack of a better word—even if I did have my qualms with it. It was great watching week to week, not to mention sharing my ever-important thoughts with you and the rest of the commentariat. Don't know what's going to take the reins now.

"Tyrant," baby!

I can't STAND all these comic book adaptations! Hollywood's getting so lazy, it makes me really—

Upvoting your comment seemed rather tasteless, so just wanted to stop in and say I'm sorry that happened. If it's any consolation, I really like your username/avatar.

This topic's been discussed among the commentariat before, but this season really needed a few more moments of levity to mitigate some of the grimness. Or at least a character with a more constant presence who could comment on Frank's lines when they ran into especially dark and/or convoluted territory. I understand

That was a very understated moment, and on second watch I noticed it a lot more. Farrell did a tremendous job all season, but he was exceptional in the finale.