Michael Caffee

Everyone's interpretation of a conflict as deep as the large-scale nipple wars is worthy of consideration.

"Nothing good ever happens in the woods. I've seen enough of these fucking stories to know that." -Norm Macdonald

It's one of my favorite movies. I'll never forget the first time I saw it, all the twists and turns that came with the story. Fantastic film with great cinematography. And like you said, it really delved into the theme of a father's relationship with his son.

Nails knows the best bedtime stories. Also, Sad Guitar-Playing Girl was an integral part of the story, especially in the finale. I defy you to name a more crucial aspect of the show.

One group likes their nipples pointed up, the other pointed down.

I thought the way Frank went out was alright for the most part. However, like you said, the whole issue with the suit just seemed a little weird. And the appearance of those imagined figures during his death walk went on a little too long. So many guest appearances, I thought Stephen Colbert was going to stop by to

He started a "comedic actors on career downturns" suit collection. He'd already gotten ones from Adam Sandler and Martin Lawrence.

Nolan North sighting! (I mean, uh, hearing.) I think this is the first time we've heard him here since Scroopy Noopers in "Something Ricked This Way Comes."

"I didn't know freedom meant people doing stuff that sucks. I was thinking more of a 'choose your own cell phone carrier' type thing." Oh Summer, your naïveté is hilarious.

"Rick and Morty" manages to do mind-blowingly original concepts week by week. The first episode of the season had the 64-panel structure, then last week had the Roy video game (not to mention the telepathic, singing Fart). Now this episode has a sexual partner who can inhabit the bodies of multiple people. I thought

My friends look at me so weirdly when I vape. I tell them it's basically like a portable hookah. It's not like I'm, you know, fellating a robot.

The ending to this season certainly had a fair bit of gut punch. But for me, nothing will top Cohle's final monologue for season one. How he describes sinking into that deep abyss, but feeling his daughter's touch and how it "pulls" him back into consciousness. I've not heard many speeches on TV that can rival that. I

I detected a bit of snark with the "yes you have" thing, but maybe I was wrong. My apologies. To be fair, I've not seen "Terminator 2" in a long, long time. Still thought Frank's arsenal was pretty badass.

Yeah, at least Cohle got out of his sinking darkness. They really left Ray twisting in the wind in terms of his post-death legacy.

Fair enough.

Jeez man, sorry to have offended you.

Very true. He certainly killed a whole lot of other people on his way, though. And his search for Lewellyn and threatening his wife did ultimately (if indirectly) lead to Lewellyn's death. So maybe he was an "otherworldly assassin/unwitting helper."

Reminds me of Anton Chigurh. He was just one of those otherworldly characters, a skilled assassin who was locked onto his prey no matter what was standing in his way. My goodness, he really is one of the most terrifying characters ever put on screen.

Oh, very good point. Yeah, unless Nic pulls some Phil Fish-style "fuck you, I'm out" type of thing, I'm guessing he's going to make another season. There's too much money in it not to. And with the mixed reception this season has gotten, I doubt Nic wants to go out with this being his last entry.

I did detect a sort of Malick-like feel to it.