Michael Caffee

Is he really? I did not know that. Lucky guy.

I don't think Sally Housecoat is a fan of nuanced period drama. And Joe Six-pack is just a prick, from what I hear.

I agree with everything you said. "Bloodline" itself was above-average entertainment, and despite my love for him I don't even think Kyle Chandler deserved a nomination. But Ben Mendelsohn put on a haunting and emotionally-resonant performance which got the show a lot of notice. Not saying he's a more skilled actor

Like I said, it's between him and Mendelsohn (no offense to Dinklage). I can see either person winning, but if I had to pick right now, I'd say Banks is the early favorite.

She should've gotten one, and I think that the job Jonathan Tucker did with Boon warranted at least a guest role nomination. I was, of course, hopeful that Olyphant and Goggins would get nominations this year. But when the list of nominations came out, it was almost expected. "Justified," like the other two shows you

It certainly is, and I didn't mean to downplay those achievements one bit. Martindale and Davies did incredible jobs, I was just thinking more of Timothy Olyphant's and Walton Goggins' work in the context of the article. As a loyal fan I was always happy to see any member of the cast, be they main, recurring, or

I don't see Odenkirk beating Hamm out for lead actor, especially given that it was his last season. You never know, though. I am however starting to think that Jonathan Banks beats out Ben Mendelsohn, who I believe are the two favorites in that category. He was really great near the end of the season. And though I

Nope. So it goes. At least we have season two's Emmy nominations to look back on fondly.

"What the fuck is a commercial?"

This is certainly great, but an event where Matthew Rhys somehow gets ten awards in a row would go a long way towards getting recognition. I swear.

It's nice to get some. But it hasn't gotten nearly as much as it deserves. Thank goodness it got renewed for next season, so it can have another chance at Emmy nominations and further recognition. Though, being a fan of "Justified" for many years, I'm a bit pessimistic when it comes to overlooked dramas getting more

The book was written by the incredibly skilled Lionel Shriver, which is actually a pen name; her real name is Margaret Ann Shriver. It's an extremely original story. The movie captured the overall feel of it and Tilda absolutely nailed the main character. One of the best adaptations I've seen.

Training Day 3: Advanced Training Seminar

King Kong ain't got shit on lazy TV producers.

Training Day 2: Sorry, We Meant Days

I fully support the decision to cast Rebecca Ferguson in many, many more things.

Glad to hear Kristen Schaal is on board, she's one of the few people I know of who could out-shout J.K. Simmons. Or at least put up a good fight.

Yes, after her Oscar it would be hard to imagine her in films like "Constantine" again—though, as you said, she does pick her own projects. Regarding "We Need to Talk About Kevin," it is very dark, and the concept of a mother not loving her child (and hate consequentially manifesting within that child) is one of the

Oh I'm not at all saying she wasn't good back then. She's been one of the most consistent actresses for quite some time now, and is one of the best in the world. (Her performance in "We Need to Talk About Kevin" is my personal favorite.) I'm just saying, after the whole "Michael Clayton" blow up, I wouldn't think we'd

Can't decide if he's a metaphor for the relentless search for objective knowledge, or just a hapless fool who doesn't realize the cost the show's had on his life. Probably a bit of both.