Michael Caffee

"Hi, I'm a big fan of gays and the whole gay lifestyle. But if you're tired of it, gimme a call, alright? I'll strrrrraighten you out!"

He's hilarious, I'll definitely check it out. I've been missing him. It'll be nice to hear his opinions again—I mean, his "Mo-pinions."

…and I just now remembered Tilda Swinton was in that. Holy shit. Well, she's certainly come a long way.

You know what, I'm expecting one of these abominations to actually be a hit. No telling which one. My money's on "Limitless," but it's anyone's race at this point. And what a sad race it is.

It was so great seeing Mo Rocca. The "That's Quite Interesting to Mo Rocca" segments from the early 2000s were some of their funniest stuff.

Like Dennis said in his review, there was a spontaneity to the Springsteen performance that made it special. Seeing everyone rush onto the dance floor put a big smile on my face. Plus, it's a guy from Jersey requesting a performance from The Boss on his last show. Can't mess with that.

"I'm not Jewish!"

Me too. The dude's hilarious though, it was fun to see him even for a little bit.

Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Aasif Mandvi, Rob Corddry, Matt Walsh, Samantha Bee, Jason Jones, Rob Riggle, Lewis Black (there since the beginning). I mean, that's a fucking all-star team of talent. It's mind-boggling.

That was sad, hilarious, and heartwarming all at once. I've not watched a lot of late night TV in my life (well, not the kind we're talking about anyway). So ever since back in junior high, Jon Stewart was kind of my gateway to the talk show circuit and to what was going on in the world. It's enormously sad to see him

Since the show is going to have some fantasy elements, I do hope that Albi the Dragon shows up at some point. I heard he isn't racist anymore.

Stupid-ass, fart-saving, carpet store motherfucker.

I know what you're trying to say. You're trying to say "oh yeah! That's it!"

I was laughing my ass off at the whole "I got over my ex-wife, so this person can get over…" reasoning Forrest was trying to use. No one does the earnest yet hilariously inept persona better than Andy Daly.

You can change as many things around as you want, but this shitty-looking show's still gonna fail quicker than Robert Griffin's ACL.

Yo, Decko! I think you were asking about Ethan Embry the last time we spoke. I came across this advance review for an Amazon pilot called "Sneaky Pete." Our boy is in it, and it looks pretty good: http://www.ign.com/articles….

Watched a few episodes of "Longmire's" season one. It was enjoyable but pretty formulaic. I've heard it gets better though. And especially if they have a weird Stormare guest appearance later on.

He was pretty good in "Constantine." I know that movie was panned but I enjoyed the scene where he "cures" Constantine in order to keep him on earth to sin more. Stormare excels at creepiness.

Peter Stormare's weirdness always adds an extra bit of fun to his roles. I also love that he uses the same accent for every performance, no matter where it is or where his character's supposed to be from.

Season four was shit and I can perfectly understand people not liking season three (a.k.a. "Prison Break 2: Panama Edition"). But I really enjoyed the whole "on the run" aspect of season two, as well as them introducing Alex Mahone. Whatever your thoughts on the series itself, William Fichtner did an awesome job.