Michael Busuttil

I'm no K'Nexpert, but I don't see this being considerably cheaper than a real pinball machine.

(This is a joke. That should be obvious, but this is the internet.)

Cormac McCarthy played for the NBA?

I've seen Ghost Rider 3 times because the DVD comes with 2 commentaries.

I legitimately think this concept has potential. A decade in the future, when your phone is as powerful as your computer is today, I can totally see people taking their phone to work, slotting it into a screen, and just working on a machine powered by their phone.

What did they do to the kids?

Kt is a bit disappointing - modern chess literature almost exclusively uses N for the knight, is my understanding. The set's nice, but I don't think it's 450 dollar-nice.

I won't - I've already got an iPad and have since got a laptop, which is plenty of portable computing for me, but I could see my younger step-siblings getting one - one of them goes to a school where they've all been asked to buy iPads for the classroom, so these could see a huge upsurge there as a cheaper version.

Unless you're a girl and they're self-portraits, in which case they will probably be on the internet forever.

The band went by "Yaz" in the US, but their original name in England was "Yazoo" - they changed it because there was already a band in America called Yazoo, as unlikely as that sounds.

About 3 seasons ago, yes.

Millar has used the act as a plot element multiple times, and referred to it more, including in Kick-Ass 2, his run on The Authority, Chosen, Wanted, and Old Man Logan. He once said “I pitched this to DC for a laugh years back. The idea was that, like Death of Superman, we had Rape of Wonder Woman; a twenty-two page

Oh, good. I always thought the Fantastic Four could use more rape.

Hate politics. Don't drink.

"Interview me and then tell me if you would hire me."

Really? We're getting upset about this? It just sounds like your standard sort of Token Nerd TV show chatter - it's a possible-sounding excuse for the problem, with a little bit of technobabble (open-source) that kids might have sort of heard before.

So, I'm no scrap metal arm building expert, but how on /earth/ do you do it without any hands?

It's interesting. I think I'd be willing to pay to use Facebook (as a 21-year-old, Facebook is just the way my people communicate), but I don't think everyone else would, which would mean that I'd be paying that money for a service no-one was on anymore.

Hey, LEGO? I bet you Fox wouldn't charge that much for the Firefly licence (a load of smaller companies have made Firefly stuff, so it can't be that bad), and I guarantee it'd be a money printer. There's not a lot of stuff that you could make from the series, but it's basically Western sets + spaceship sets.

See, I want to reply to all of you, but that seems silly. Thanks, everyone.