Chuck Burly

The brand that gave us Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump University and Don Jr.

Durant could kill and eat Irving and still win 40 games. Even on the Knicks.

Counterpoint: the Celtics “young core” is as vastly overrated as the Lakers was, and both Kyrie and LeBron should get the fuck out of town so they can leave those two franchises to battle for first round exits over the next few years.

Properly vetting a candidate is not a hit piece. Unless you think we shouldn’t give a shit if they may have contributed to putting an innocent man on Death Row.

Colby’s team earning a big fat zero brings my bitter heart joy.

The combine questions have started early this year.

Between this and CNN hiring every MAGA castoff they can find, these crazy “FAKE NEWS libtard” operations seem nice and cozy spots for conservatives to find employment.

Player makes himself useful to team only as a trade asset, NBA pisses pants when team wants to protect said asset.

Oh no. He didn’t do what LeBron and the Lakers wanted. This man is clearly history’s greatest monster.

I thought seemingly endless streaks of incompetence are to get capped by declaring a National Emergency.

Seems like it would have been smarter to just use the remote.

They’re as American as apple pie and not being able to afford your medicine!

It’s the part of America that goes to an Olive Garden in Tokyo. Any amount of divergence from “sameness” is a problem. 

Witten’s just continuing his work in making Tony Romo look much more competent.

When a grown man goes on a radio show and vouches for the validity of a theory about an underground sex trafficking ring run by Democrats with the front of a pizza parlor, there’s no “smearing” that needs to be done. They’ve already done all the work for the snarky liberals.

You seem pretty triggered by my saying that guy seemed pretty triggered.

I always knew not to trust that fucking fairy in Ocarina of Time.

This snowflake seems pretty triggered.

The picture is a nice touch. Those morons at Politicon would invite Pol Pot if they could.