Chuck Burly

“Please save my marriage to this woman I think so little of!”

Somebody in the NBA is taking “tanking” far too literally.

“Busted RV” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

I feel like your answer to Santa versus Godzilla has a lack of appreciation for Santa being FUCKING MAGIC. Has he ever had to use his powers for the purpose of survival? The guy can clearly do all manner of weird shit: maybe he shoots Kamehameha’s if you actually press him.

Vince can expect the full support of the president. Backing failed ventures is what he’s best at.

Trump didn’t realize the biggest problem with building the wall was that the illegal aliens could just levitate over it.

Unicorns gotta be careful with their leg, lest they need to be dragged behind a rainbow and shot.

Don’t blame the Yankees (who I love and are incredibly worthy of hate). Stanton nixed trades to SF and the Cardinals.

But even with the rules things can go awry. I remember when Vince said Pedro Martinez couldn’t touch Don “King Kong” Zimmer.

Papa John is also constantly having that problem.

Plus the dinner was always the same. It added another layer of sadness.

The dinner scenes were the most palpably uncomfortable experience in gaming I’ve ever had. Even for South Park it felt dark.

Not really playing to their base here by requiring the ad to be read.

IIRC, their PC ports are pretty crummy as well. And you can’t blame that solely on hardware.

Oh yeah, golden roid-monsters and pink goo creatures were very serious business. THIS is clearly the tipping point into “nonsense”.

So is being a professional Manning hater good money?

Well said. And people starred that shit.

Not all teenage mutants are allies of the turtle.

“You definitely would not be allowed to play golf in my foursome”

Fox: “We don’t know exactly what we’re doing.”