Chuck Burly

Because only a few select teams can get to him like that with a four man rush?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Different ways to view feud but unfair to dismiss Barnes as just crazy person. Lots of folks would be livid w/ &quot;friend&quot; who romanced ex-wife</p>&mdash; Stefan Bondy (@SBondyNYDN) <a href="https://twitter.com/SBondyNYDN/sta…">January 16,

The Long-est shot to win of them all.

Did you see how their tackles run blocked? Unless you like 3 yard losses, all tosses were rightly thrown in the garbage.

“Like a doll’s eyes.”

Still more dignity than most of the organization.

Jesus Christ, no. Did anyone besides Jordan want him?

He’ll be the first inductee who needs a stepstool to give his speech. SO MUCH HEART!

But it’s gluten-free staphylococcal enterotoxin!

Does he?

Indistinguishable Mets, Ranked by Terry Collins

Well, the point was he was a white “activist” douche. So no.

Human rights are not political.

This is goink to go great.

I mean, even if you hate them you get to watch them get crushed by walkers. I think everybody won with the Ewoks.

Vader was a super-powered goon, like Jaws from the Bond movies. Sure , he was scary but he was still only an enforcer, albeit a very fancy one. So you’re damned right he was the mewling puss from the prequels in Jedi because The Emperor was there. And when Luke bested him, he was a pantsed bully with no value. It made

Stupid opinions do tend to be unpopular, yes.

Also acceptable: How do we make them forget we’re charging them at least 110 bucks for the full experience?

Everyone else has to leave the office via an elevator. Poor bastards.

Most expensive A-Rod off day since 2014.