
Making the game harder won't make me like it more. I already did a hard playthrough and I really have no interest in installing it again.

It's stupid to declare opinions as fact, even though I dislike many aspects of a game, I do my very best to avoid saying "Don't play it"... Just because I didn't like it, doesn't mean you won't. Like I said before, I'm glad people enjoyed it, I'm glad they got their money's worth. It sucks that I didn't, but what can

But I didn't find the base experience fun. I found it substandard from even a shooting aspect. The combos were meh, and to me the rails were the really noteworthy thing in combat. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but a decent amount of people didn't.

Actually Sony's is rumored to take 3.5 GB of RAM while X1 is rumored to take only 3.

And it's great that you liked it! It's good that you have your opinion on combat and enjoyed it.

To me it was a hell of a downgrade from Bioshock 1 + 2. The had to add soo many limitations to make Elizabeth feel useful that it just ruined the experience for me. To me Elizabeth ruined every part of the game. Can't

If you have to play it a certain way for it to be fun, they've done a bad job. At the core, taking cover and shooting should be at least pretty fun, while the vigor combos and weapons should add to that.

For all the people comparing LoL and Dota in this thread. They are different games. Same genre, vastly different and can't be compared.

You think it's stupid, I think it isn't. Funny how opinions work.

Different audio tech. 3rd party ones may still be compatible because MS says they are working on an adapter, but old first party ones use a different jack. And lets be honest here would you really want to use a first party headset from MS? While those things were decent for voice chat and what not, they broke so

MS is saying that the tech isn't compatible. If I had to guess, I would assume a lot of it is the haptic feedback and what not. The only console that will actually support last gen controllers this time around is the WiiU.

Cheers to you too, I too enjoy conversations with both parties can act like adults. Have a great day.

Active time battle is a form a turn based battle that instead of just selecting the moves of your party and watching as each player does their attack, you have to wait for a bar to charge to do an attack, this causes battles to feel extremely slow and lackluster due to the fact that once your party has all attacked

Check out Quantic Dream's earlier games before they were Sony exclusive, now I could be wrong but looking into to them it seems like they are very similar to heavy rain. Besides that many many games came out before it that had many multiple different endings though I could be wrong and it very well could be the first

Heavy Rain isn't innovative, the studio has been making titles like that before it came out. Explain why FF VII is innovative and I may give it to you (even though square is NOT a Sony dev), but I can barely make it through the first few hours without quiting because I think active time battle is the worst thing to

Did no one see probably one of the coolest ideas ever? That merging into a tank could be used in sooo many ways. Two opposing players have to team up and form a tank to attempt to take lead. Holding on to an item before going into tank and splitting and backstabbing the person you just fused with. Ahhh soo cool.

Ms fucked up big time on PR and thats where all the issues came from. I dug deep enough and looked around and that is what I managed to piece together. So I wouldn't take that as absolute truth, but I think its as close to the the truth as we will get at this point.

It was confirmed that only one person at a time could play. It was also confirmed by a MS employee that there was no limit for time. It was literally like digitial lending. In real life if you lend out call of duty to a friend so they can try out the multiplayer to see if they like it. You can't play it at the same

Hold up for a second here. Name all the innovative titles the Sony has made. Innovative =/= Good/Great. I've heard TLOU is an amazing game, never heard anything about innovations with it. I've never heard about any innovations in Uncharted . God of War may have been when it was first released but not recently. I

Actually the sharing system would likely gain sales and hurt the used market. It was pretty clever. Think about it like this. Do you lend games to your friends? Yes? well guess what now you can lend digital games to your friends. If they like it, then they can buy it and both play together. Seems like simple lending

MS actually just had a pretty big Ubi sale that was putting games down at steam level prices, not to mention the summer sale they had before that which did the same thing.