
This comment was when it was leaked not when it was confirmed with all the information.

It’s $300 right now and by black Friday and cyber Monday I’m sure it’ll be as cheap as $250 or the base price worth two games and extra controller.

Tomorrow E3 and MS presentation.

It’s for 4K video and HDR without the need to upscale as 4K video will be natively supported with this X1 S.

You do know that the Ps4 was smaller from the jump with essentially the same AMD components but more powerful and the power converter AC-DC was built into the console. The X1 had a weaker console with the power brick and I’m sure this new smaller X1 S will still have the power brick.

Sony already confirmed the new PS4 and said it will live in tandem with the current sku. Also MS goes before Sony in E3 which starts tomorrow and I doubt MS will talk about anything other than the current X1 and Windows 10 ecosystem.

Thank you kindly...

Thank you kindly...

Can anyone direct me to the name of the pillow pictured in the article? I’ll give a star and my gratitude in return.

Can anyone direct me to the name of the pillow pictured in the article? I’ll give a star and my gratitude in return.

A single player game with 3 different protagonist that you can presumably choose to play as, so why only a single player game? I miss the days of local co-op games.

I ordered mine today after reading this article so thanks for the heads up. I ordered 6 sets of the Pluto ones since I missed the last set and they are discontinued. They will go in my safe and sit there for decades.

It’s a shitty phone anyway and they are putting a click bait misleading title for commission of each sale from clicking the link and buying it.

It’s a shitty phone anyway and they are putting a click bait misleading title for commission of each sale from

I think you’re reading way between the lines for this one. The second Batman, Nolan-Bale movie with the Joker wasn’t called Batman the Dark Knight it completely ommited Batman name from what could be considered the best Batman movie and best Joker to date. The Dark Knight proved the title of the movie could still

Not necessarily just the Cpu support for quick charging as the company could disable it. Samsung limited the quick charging capabilites of the S7 & S7 Edge to be on par with the Exynos variants and kept it at quick charge 2.0 because the SD 820 supports QC 3.o which is faster. Every other device that uses the SD 830

I dare anyone to be crazy enough to buy this phone let alone give gawker a sales commission for this horrible device. Please be wary of the myriad of issues this phone has and read the reviews. Also if your going to buy it go to amazon first and just search for the device.

I dare anyone to be crazy enough to buy this phone let alone give gawker a sales commission for this horrible

I don’t know if you’ve seen the HP Windows 10 phone but it looks promising. Dual front facing speakers, 4 gigs of ram with a SD 820. Also there are rumors of a Surface phone, though that’s been the case for a long time now.

Enjoy your core M cpu instead of a i5 or i7 in a thinner and lighter frame. Sure it’s not by much but Apple went from top of the line build quality with dedicated gpu and good cpu to lagging behind in innovation and still over charging.

The Zenbook 3 gets called a Macbook clone but the Transformer 3 Pro is only refered to as reminiscent of the Surface. The wording needs to be switched for comparison sake. It screams Surface clone, while the Zenbook just looks like a ultra portable laptop.

Playing on nostalgia is what sequels and reboots are all about though.

I vote for calling it the Dark Force...