
No sir it’s still categorically a dwarf planet. As Neil Degrasse Tyson once said. If you nudge it towards the inner solar system it would grow a tail. Planets don’t grow tails but comets do. It’s mostly a ice bail with a solid rock core that has failed to clear its orbital path of debree.

Do the same while taking the Staten island ferry during sunset or sunrise and in summer or fall. Very beautiful riding outside with the wind in your face.

This will be a nice update once it’s pushed through. I recently bought the iPad pro and that huge screen even on the dimist setting in a totally dark room will ruin your circadian rhythm.

I live in New York sir and am full fully aware for coastal cities it’s the storm serge that make things worse. How ever it is common sense that warmer surface temperatures will full the creation of more hurricanes earlier and later into the season within the next decade or two. The statistics of down years aren’t more

With climate change and global warming increasing this will be the norm in a few decades. Hurricane season will last longer. Hurricanes themselves will be stronger fueled by rising ocean surface temperatures. With sea level rising coastal cities that get hit by these hurricanes face a double whammy of storm serge and

Well we wouldn’t lose the planet so to speak. Regardless of the asteroids size it’d still be here afterwards. Sure depending on the size and impact zone, who ever is alive it would suck but hey your still alive. Also the last article I read regarding risk of impact and the probability of a comet large enough to remain

I thought the population was 350 million. I was lied to.

Considering that he’s Batman and a billionaire. I could assume a voice augmenting devic on his throat while wearing the Bat suit. Think of how smokers have that voice box but smaller and built into the suit collar area.

I feel like I’ve seen 1/4 of the movie by now.

All very nice and very welcome upgrades. Now just put an elevator at every stop which would be more beneficial and I’ll be happy so will many other New Yorkers.

Actually the ESA isn’t going to crash Rosetta into the comet. Instead it will approach the comet slowly in spiral orbit getting closer and closer each time, beaming back as much information as possible to scientists on Earth. It's projected to actually have a much softer landing then the lander did having bounced off

No the reason simply being a larger mirror reflects and captures more light then a smaller mirror with multiple images. You want larger size to be able to differentiate light from the planet from other sources like the brighter star or background or foreground light from other celestial objects.


How so sir? Did you shrink down in your Ant Man suit and roam the 3D printed buildings?

All the manufactures have more improved lcd tech. LG themselves with super uhd tv and ips panels with the new hdr standard. Samsung’s improvement with their quantum dot lcds which mostly use va panels but are improved blacks and new hdr standard. Sony as you mentioned. Although all new sets are good the new oled sets

You better hope Apple doesn’t do what they did with the New Macbook. Only one port and a sold separately dongle. I wanted to buy a Surface Pro 4 myself but I’ll wait until the Surface 5 is announced and fully upgrade my home theatre first. Looking foward to either 4K HDR set or OLED. New surround sound led back light

I’m looking forward to VR taking off. If it’s $300-$400 I would consider buying an Oculus Rift.

Whaaat chlorine actually whitned it. I need to buy this for my white clothes 😒

Also water that melts from The poles races towards The equatorial water bulges due to rotation of 🌎 This will heighten The affect of lower water levels at the poles counter to where the most ice melt occurs.