
Would it have been to difficult to get less then 400 residents to vote?

I would put my money on Space X only because the projected cost should be cheaper then what Boeing can do. Especially once they start successfully landing and reusing the booster rockets. Add to that their ambitions and plans of the falcon 9 Heavy and they will be able to send manned missions much further into space.

I would assume the bat mobile is highly equipped with cameras and all sorts of other sensors like radar, sonar, X-Ray, thermal sensors etc. He is Batman.

I didn’t paint this shell but it’s funny you mentioned Even painting one as I’m in the process of doing one for myself just to test out because this looked hand painted I figure it’s easily possible. I bought acrylic paint, different sand paper finishes, & and clear plastic spray paint. Be sure to sand very very well

😊 Thank you kindly sir. I’m about to order parts for one more and one PS4 controller only because knowing my nephews they’ll each want their own custom controllers. Thankfully I know their favorite colors. The boxes to the controllers are the regular black ones so they’ll be surprised twice upon opening.

Android marshmallow addressed it for them.

I bought myself the white Gears edition from Walmart. It included an extra controller and Free Forza6. Helped me be able to gift the other things and finally get a white X1. I already had the black one but it was a dust and finger print magnet like no other. The scratches it had accumulated over2years made it look

😂 No sir. Just a design of a bloody hand print. My nephews are 9,16,19 and each of them would play until their fingers bleed if you let them lol. Only the face plate came like that for $12 the thumb sticks, red battery cover and D-pad were about the same price all together.

My nephew needs/wants and extra controller for his X1 so I made Custom one. I buy myself all the things I want. This holiday is more for the kids to me. I do 💘 all the games I was able to buy cheap for easy gifting.

Impossible that’s why. Propulsion systems that even on movies if they are feasible but just not within our current technological means would be preferred over the Impossible.

Good find. The game is amazing. The problem is that it’s over looked because there are way too many titles that came out in the same time frame. This price point should help entice buyers looking at the many other AAA titles out.

Good find. The game is amazing. The problem is that it’s over looked because there are way too many titles that came

Amazon is selling Rise of the Tomb Raider for $39.99 I don’t Know if it’s today only or not but every other store is selling it for the regular price.

Amazon is selling Rise of the Tomb Raider for $39.99 I don’t Know if it’s today only or not but every other store is

Here in New York City (Specifically the Bronx for me) we have subway platforms built from 1908 that are still in service. I shouldn’t have to tell you the problem with that. One major one being lack of disability access meaning longer round about commutes then what should be needed in a morden city in this day and

They honestly should have been tried this first then embarked on sea vessel landings later. The room for error is lessened and you have more space for maneuverability on land.

My face at the headline photo.

There was a written pact that meant any missions to Mars had to avoid certain areas of the planet to prevent cross contamination. The poles and any areas of ice melt are those areas. The rovers though not 100% sterile don’t pose a contamination threat having avoided areas of ice and water.

Well it’s conclusively agreed that Mars was once a planet with oceans so it’s likely that in the few hundred million years it had microbial life that could have hitched a ride here and possibly seeded us. Now getting to Mars and proving that without contaminating the planet giving false reads of microbes or