
I'll give it a download. It might not work now, but at some point it will.

Any one game to help me start a company that can clear Earth's orbit of debris?

In Halo Cortana is an A.I. in the form of a female avatar. Hence the constant entitlement of "she."

Maybe if this was a game at home with the plastic gun with recoil and all and the kinect with Xbox had the same $400 price point of PS4 it would have been successful. Then to only remove the kinect and make it optional but charge a ridiculous price of $150 without a kinect only game at that. The kinect is a much

Where are you from that the cable package is only $20 above internet? My internet bill is $45 tax free, to add basic cable would cost an additional $55 plus taxes and rental fee for the box. I only have Netflix and Hulu.


Launching radioactive waste on a giant possible bomb isn't a good idea should the launch go wrong.

I still own a working SNES with a few of my favorite games. All of which have been downloaded as roms and emulators on my tablet that I use with an Xbox 360 controller.

It's amazing to think that this is not only what our very own Milky Way Galaxy would look like when viewed on edge, but within our vast galaxy is a little blue spec that harbors self aware sentient beings called humans.

I would expected (I would have preferred) a time lapse of the embryo in its entire development cycle.

The last thing I'd delete off my phone is my flashlight app. If only because my phone doesn't have an LED widget or flashlight app of its own. (Pre-installed would've been nice.)

They should enable this as a cheat in the console versions.

I can think of several fun ways I'd rather spend $18.

It's not that much of a difference to equate to a near $1300 device.

This is why Sony is loosing money. How they can make the PS4 with 8 Gigs of GDDR5 and charge $400 yet allow this device through the R&D department is beyond me.

Maybe that's the point of the RPG aspect. To entice you into waking on time to see your character progression.

I leave this in memory of her fallen sister Spirit.

If you live in N.Y. you may have seen these around.

If you had a wife or kids you would appreciate this feature more. if you do and you don't understand the usefulness of such a feature then the saying you can't please everyone applies here.

You need an Xbox One in your household in order to stream a game you own to your Windows 10 device which doesn't need to be a PC and can be a phone or tablet. The latter two of which are incapable of playing a game of X1 unless it is being played locally then streamed.