
It's actually running on the Xbox One and streaming to your desired device. The media is not hosted locally. Phil Spencer shut the Xbox One down after he was done gaming. Being that you must be on the same house with the device my guess is if your already playing and someone wanted to use the tv you could swap to

This puts me in the market for a Windows Tablet now. Gaming at night will be nice while my wife sleeps. Pop in my headphones and stream away. Even better while I'm in the living room or at a friend's house I can still game leaving the Xbox where it is.

I actually believe it's not just Fable Legends, at the end of Phil Spencer's press, cross platform gaming was a feature listed implying it's a developer choice. I'm also most excited for the ability to stream Xbox One games to any Windows 10 device. (Time to buy a Windows Tablet.)

I don't see why we would send any one there presently or future wise, unless it harbors frozen H2o or possibly a hidden ocean underneath it's surface.

It could that the brighter spots on its surface are previous impact sites. It's in the asteroid belt so I'd bet my money on that.

Hacking must be easy because these are some dumb arse hackers to post on social networks bragging about what they do and then having the audacity to call these attacks services.

You could just buy a stylus now. Also a larger iPad is easier to touch any intended space without a stylus. I don't see much of a market for a iPad pro that's larger with a dedicated made by Apple stylus. A real artist wouldn't use an iPad to draw on with its limited OS, ram and cpu.

What operating system would iPad pro use? Because if it's iOS then there is no need for a stylus.

I'm looking forward to see the next generation of smart phones utilizing the snapdragon 810 and up. GS6, LG G3, HTC ONE(Three)

In the gif you can't tell if the iPad is registering their touch or if the penguin is simply reacting to something on the screen moving. I would a assume the latter.

It's possible they didn't evenly distribute the weight when loading the cars or a ballast tank mishap. Either way someone has to assume responsibility.

The free fresh breathalyzer. As for knowing if your hydrated enough during exercise take a drink with electrolytes in it, and if your tongue feels dryer then normal drink up.

Pricing has been announced.

The O-box? The O-box?? The O-box???