
Now we need to see a F-22 & F-35 take off from a highway in D.C. (Because you know, air superiority and stuff.)

I haven't been following the development of this game so forgive me if this has been answered. But, why is there a 25 year gap between the game's in story?

As a person who could never comprehend the engineering that goes into holding water at that volume back by a leaky wall. If I lived there, I'd have to be that guy that yells at people just for going near the damn thing.

I'll start by saying these pictures are amazing. I just wish, (and this may be asking to much here) that a possible age of the tree or date it's likely to have existed would be nice.

Most house cats that get spayed or neutered tend to blow up and get lazy.

I love how this video also demonstrates the use of their tail like a rudder.

It looked like a typical landing so it would appear that there was nothing wrong with the plane. Once it lands though you can see the plane slightly leaning towards one side.

Aesthetics and marketing.

Can we still say next year for 2015 when it's right around the corner? I know its the next year but that's not how most interpret the title.

It's easy to see why Saturn is most people's favorite planet. Though mine is Jupiter, I can admit the images of this planet are amazing.

I really hate to be that guy, but a gif or video would have been better. Nicely done by the way.

Not really. Certain devices made in China cost a fraction of what they are sold for. So called premium products from Apple, Beats now ironically owned by Apple etc. Look up how much it cost to manufacture a product before it's sold the disparity is crazy with certain companies. I understand making money off a product

This guy is my favorite Astronaut since Neil Armstrong.

LulzSec gets my vote for #1 purely because of their logo. It's like having etiquette after hacking and saying cheers mate, I hacked your s**t.

I highly doubt the actual building will look like the render with those Arabic words for Windows. Nice touch in the render though. Ambitious if they actually make it and it actually mean something.

Does any one here get to reuse their lights year after year? No matter what I try my lights end up in a tangled mess usually meaning new lights each year.

If and when they release a phone the camera both rear and front facing should be the main focus. No one thinks Kodak and thinks it needs to compete with the Nexus or Galaxy lineup of devices. Mid ranged specs, 2 gigs ram, expandable storage and a good camera with optical image stabilization should do the trick.

Airplane porn right here, without the need to delete my browser history.

Best new apps for the PS4 and X1 on sister site kotaku would be cool. Assuming it's not done already. I recently found out showtime was finally on X1 shortly after HBO was announced.