
When I see that logo I'm reminded of the dreaded dial up days.

Or out could alienate you or get you fired.

My favorite Christmas was the year I asked for a remote control car and finally got one that was fully wireless. Up until then year after year of asking always resulted in a family member buying the car with the remote attached via wire. (A very short wire, which requires you to chase the car while you drive it.) I

It's nice to have it acknowledge, but I read it's too late so let's just skip to the doomsday theories..

I second that, in the not knowing and needing to know part.

Balls of steel

That gif looks trippy as, makes it look like the whale is flying above the water after it breaches.

Their most likely trying to give the dog commands to have the dog stay long enough to take a picture. Dogs don't just use the actual words we teach as commands but the tone of our voice. The dog was showing submission.

What are the intervals between the photos? One month a part or more?

With these you could get way past second base at a romantic movie with your girl.

I wouldn't care if it was IMAX 3D, the premise of tightrope walking with CGI buildings is just stupid. Let alone the price of the tickets being higher then normal tickets.

Why is this a movie? I wouldn't go to the theatre to see this. A Netflix night and popcorn movie this would make.

I came here expecting a method that didn't require actual cutting. Back to my slap chop it is. Quick tip put the onion on the freezer about 10 minutes prior to cutting the onion for less tearing of the eyes.

What a wonderful feature to add right before the Christmas too. Time to see how low is to low an offer on Amazon.

As a Staten Island native and 80's baby I love this post. Method was my favorite followed by Ghost.

Let's do this now at this point and then at it's closets point.

A video of the little guy in action would have been nice.

Tomb Raider is a timed exclusive.