Michael Aronson

"it's odd that articles like this keep popping up"

"I'm pretty sure for most of us who aren't excited by it, its because the trailers gave a strong negative impression."

"complaining about fans "entitled demands" stems from an equally "entitled" attitude."

You are entirely responsible for your own memories. Nobody else can ruin them or take them away.

"The remake would take away the fan base, like me, that daydream about the original and it has a quiet nostalgia"

"People think a person doesn't even have the right to an opinion now?"

I'm not speaking about its quality, but it was not a flop.

It's not a lose-lose situation. Studios will make movies. People will see them. Some people will like them. Some people won't. Nobody dies in the process because we're talking about watching goddamn movies.

"The author ends a paragraph by stating there is no reason why this movie won't be as good as the original or at least the sequel."

"Like all those people who don't want to see the Ghostbusters reboot."

He specifically said he wanted the old (male) cast to appear in it.

"a lot of us don't like the way old favorites are being adapted or remade"

"if ghost busters were remade with an all male cast, it would be a dead on the floor flop"

My mom can't find the quote?

Perhaps in your fantasies, where the quote you can't find also exists.

What's wrong? Can't find the quote anymore?

I did, "nimrod." I'm asking you for the exact quote you're getting your conclusion from.

Again, where did you get this? The writer makes it clear nobody has seen this film yet.

You seem unclear about what the word "seem" means. It has nothing to do with mindreading.

"Your opinion is a fart in a hurricane."