Michael Aronson

That's the hilarious part. Half the time he brags about it, half the time he whines he was cheated.

I think it's because it's really his only accomplishment, the only thing he tried to do and did. Ain't nothing else.

I'm not sure why you'd assume that. You wrote nonsense, and I responded to it. Here I do so once again.

There's a dictionary word for that too. It's called a "whiner."

So the objective arbiter of morality spends his time arguing on the A.V. Club comments section instead of going out and seeing justice done. Nice.

Are you the objective arbiter of morality?

But next time this guy goes out, he might have more people with him ready to meet violence with violence. This isn't the game we should be playing.

I don't like Paul Ryan at all, but having a different set of political beliefs is not treason. He was elected. You forget this.

Wait, why would you assume the author is racist regarding the romance when he praises Barry's closest, most nurturing father figure, who is black?

Trump Tower was completed in 1983. Can you name a more prominent unashamedly rich businessman of that era?

"Some of us wind-up, maybe many or all of us a times, being crushed and not okay at all."

The very fact he made a video about it is not the issue.

What ad hominems?

You responded to me nine times in a single hour. Jesus christ, dude, I'm not gonna fuck you.

You can criticize anything you want to. You can read anything you want to.

No, I added the word "(male)" there myself. Quote better, and read better while you're at it.

How can you not like a Youtube video without watching it? Do you think before you hit the comment button?

Who is "we"? How many people did you eat?

Except that's not the entirety of his message in his video.

"Which, oddly enough, is what Rolfe in his video argues."