Michael Aronson

"Your opinion is a fart in a hurricane."

I figured that would be your next assertion, but given the passive-aggressive way you brought it up, you'll forgive me for not believing you in the slightest.

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.

"I'm sure your brilliant insight will totally change my mind on the subject."

"franchises are as precious to them as religion is to most non-nerds"

"And then goes on to say it's obviously gonna be good."

"then all the members are replaced and they go on tour, why would you buy a ticket?"

"what the material makes her do"

"NOBODY wanted a remake, because the whole idea is insulting."

"fans have a right to voice how they feel, it's freedom of speech"

You seem to have missed the point.

I accept that's a possibility, and I cringe at imagining people who watched the show up to that point and didn't understand the metaphor.

On this show, his powers are a metaphorical manifestation of what entitlement and privilege are, since he can literally get anything from anybody if he wants. That's the entire subtext of his character.


I've just watched this episode, and while I wouldn't say the show has taken a hit in quality, I was supremely disappointed that it made the subtext explicit.