Michael Albaugh

There is a lot of that going on in this thread

And who is that? The Reality Show Host/President?

You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous, where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea. And I just met with a lot of the farmers, who are great people, and they’re saying, “We don’t even understand it” … I’ve heard it from other friends of mine in California, where they have farms

Hey guys, there’s already a label that tells you if there are any scary GMO’s in your food; It says “Organic”. So if you’re worried about some fictitious malady or sickness you might acquire by eating a GMO ingredient, go to Whole Foods and pay twice the money for your peace of mind.

Well, Han and Liea ARE supposed to have twins (in the books)


Who wants to listen to music through their TV? Anyone that has a great home theater setup and iTunes. I listen to ALL my music at home “through my TV”.

Totally agreed. Perfection.

Context. Is it disproportionately targeting race? Or are certain races (black and latino) committing more crime in densely populated areas - and not because of their race, it’s because of institutional inequality, poverty and lack of education.

That’s exactly what it is! You win!

Your statement is a contradiction. Poison is the dose means that the amounts of Glyphosate that you're ingesting (even on the higher scale) is perfectly fine and harmless. Study after study after study shows this. And if you STILL don't believe it, where are all the sick people? Monsanto would be burned to the

Fruits and vegetables ARE good things, regardless of genetic modification.

Living in a farming region is safer than ever before. Do you know what there was BEFORE Round Up? Well, it was a lot worse. It comes down to this; if Round Up, which has been used for a long time now, was causing cancers (or the hundreds of other diseases and maladies it's blamed for), there would be TROVES of data

Nope, anti-vax and anti-GMO are usually in the same camp. And a lot of them are super liberal.

You don't need ANY zoom.

"Galaxy S6 Hands-On: Samsung's Got a Whole New Look"

No way, OSS 117!!!

As read in Zombie Nation (one of the BEST zombie novels), they loose brain function after death, the brain atrophies between the time they are dead and the time they wake up un-dead.
