
I’m kind of new to posting more often, and I’d always kind of heard what a mess the comment system here was, but wow I had no idea until I actually tried to have some back and forths. Discussion forums are one of the oldest features of the internet, how is this one sooo bad?

Wow, how in the world was this game play tested and nobody mentioned during that whole process “Uh I’m 20 hours in, I know what a rupee is..”

It’s all subjective but I really didn’t enjoy Skyward Sword, and it had nothing to do with the controls. I found is so dull and so repetitive. The layout of the world was also very constrained feeling. But worst of all, and I don’t know if this was a glitch in my game or something, everytime I picked up an item, it

I think the biggest factor in favor of it being an easter egg is what else would it be? It’s definitely a purposely painted etching into the shader, and the shape is very distinct, not like random wear and tear type scratches. Curious what an alternative reason there’d be for it to be there.

I think it’s forgettable also in the sense that it isn’t really part of our cultural zeitgeist, like the way Matrix is for example. It broke all these records, made all this money, was this ground breaking technical marvel, and really nobody ever talks about the movie apart from when something like this game or the

That’s what gets me! So worst case scenario, she drives away and he can’t catch her, and then... the end? He has her plate, they can send her a ticket or summons in the mail.

I don’t think you’ve read what I said in context to what I had originally been talking about or what I was replying to. (likely cause this comment system is a disaster)

Yeah we can argue Buffet’s situation all day, in the end it doesn’t matter. Your last sentence basically sums it all up, and we are in 100% agreement there.

I said this in another post but it’s relevant to what you said-

First of all, there’s plenty of mechanisms for paying more than you owe, purely by not taking advantage of loopholes. Buffet and the like aren’t passively paying insanely low taxes, they are actively taking advantage of the system. They can pay more taxes just as easily as I can pay more for toilet paper by not using

And again, I blame the political system and politicians. If you have money to influence the laws of your country, and the system allows for it, why wouldn’t you do it?

Even Buffet has that line about “wanting to pay more tax” and being supportive of higher taxes for the rich. Meanwhile he continues to not pay more, cause he doesn’t have to. (I think Gates has said this too)

What’s even more frustrating is the IRS’s admission that they go after and audit less wealthy people due to the cost (in time and money) of said audit being more manageable.

Just look into the issues regarding scale when it comes to train vs truck. There’s a reason trucking is still huge, and not everything is hauled by rail. Each have pretty vital strengths.

huh? What does that have to do with what I said. I’m just saying length of gameplay is over-valued. Open world games that are already 60 hours of gameplay with the main quest and main side-quests, don’t then need another 60 hours plopped down on top of fetch quests and collectables simply cause the devs and critics

Well I don’t think a lack of filler content in most open world games these days would mean a few hours of gameplay. Plenty of these games go over 100 hours if you truly want to complete them and collect everything. The main storylines alone in Assassins Creed games are really long.

But all that aside, the hours of

Well I don’t think a lack of filler content in most open world games these days would mean a few hours of gameplay. Plenty of these games go over 100 hours if you truly want to complete them and collect everything. The main storylines alone in Assassins Creed games are really long.

But all that aside, the hours of

I really wonder what open world video games would look like if we in the gaming community and the industry didn’t place inherent value on the length of a game. (or if there wasn’t, at the very least, a perceived value placed on length)

The Pokemon-esque game Ooblets (out as early-access on epic store) also had monster battles, but at one point in development the devs decided it didn’t fit with the mood and goal of the game so they revamped the system to make it dance battles.

Sorry here’s a link to the game’s site I mentioned-