
I definitely agree that the effort towards quantity over quality, for filler and more gameplay hours, hurts a game. And I agree that the farcry’s and assassin’s creed’s of the world are good examples of this problem. But I disagree that last gen downloadable/indie games were overall better. I think it’s easy to make

I believe the same “hype” that leads so many to be disappointed, has also led to many people over-philosophizing and analyzing this game for what it is. It’s a procedural tech demo with a skinner box resource collection and upgrade mechanic.

Sometimes I feel like Sean Murray uses the excuse of player discovery to remain perpetually vague, and oversell the game without overselling the game.

Exactly. I don’t work in games, but in animation, and a producer that has an idea of the actual process of the craft is so nice to work with.

Everyone is jumping on him for being insensitive, but is it not insensitive to ignore that suicide could have had a strong effect on him personally and that he is reacting emotionally? I don’t see someone being a jerk, I see someone being triggered live on air by a subject matter that is very potent to them.

I don’t honestly understand the point you’re trying to make. By your argument someone could make a game where you start up and then press a button to win, cause come on man, all games are is pressing buttons.

Many animators film reference and look to that for small details. Gollum is a great example of that. None of the motion capture was used for the face, it didn’t look good, but they looked at Andy Serkis for inspiration in the acting to help create fleshed out expressions and facial movement.

Depending on the situation. I don’t think anyone is arguing against too much CG everywhere, but to dismiss it entirely is odd. Plenty of practical effects have aged poorly... especially in the creature/character department.

First of all Yoda was practical in part of the prequels and it looked awful...


He doesn't deserve an Oscar for his "performance" considering it is improved and changed or even completely made up by other people. Why should others who shouldered their entire performance have to share a category who had teams of people improving their expression, body