
They’re the closest thing any straight man will get to tasting jizz.

Those abs!

Alcohol causes social violence, domestic violence, alcoholism, drunk driving and various diseases including cancer.

Don’t you mean massterpiece?

For anyone interested in learning more on the subject of gay representation in film, I’d recommend Vito Russo’s book The Celluloid Closet if you can find a copy, or the documentary with the same title.

Several Tumblr pages I frequent offering photos of jocks and other male fitness enthusiasts have demonstrated that underarm hair shaving is no longer the taboo it once was. Finally, the idea that body hair somehow defines masculinity has been rejected. If you’re going to show off those biceps, who wants to see a bunch

Several Tumblr pages I frequent offering photos of jocks and other male fitness enthusiasts have demonstrated that

A former US surgeon general advocated teaching masturbation and she was pilloried for it. No chance that’s going to get revisited now.

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it isn’t good. I’m sure your mother had to remind people of that for years.

Yes, the portraits weren’t met with universal acclaim as claimed. There was immediate dispute about the resemblance to Michelle.

“A prominent Donkey Kong forum has removed some scores supposedly earned by legendary arcade game player Billy Mitchell”

Pedophilia is a form of mental illness, not a random fetish that needs an outlet.

I think they should have informed you in advance this was part of the evidence as part of jury selection. They speak of cruel and unusual punishment for criminals, but what about the jury. Deeply traumatizing.

That’s the line that stood out for me too. If you’re playing this kind of game you can’t really complain.

I haven’t bought from Steam in years. Portal 2 was my last PC game. Exclusively iPad now. Very conveniently to sit back and tap a screen than have to deal with a mouse. And I’m a little pissed Valve seems to have abandoned Half Life.

You’re missing a free option. Hoopla is an app that is available through many public libraries, some of which offer digital comics as one of its downloadable content. Not all libraries offer the comic content available through Hoopla, but if your library does then take advantage of it. And the library card is free

Why are these always so violent? Why can’t it be 4,000 Santas fucking 11,000 penguins?

Bullet firmly dodged? It was a razor-thin victory. Much like Trump, Moore is so reprehensible that he should have never have been a candidate let alone get as many votes as he did.

I don’t game much, this seems interesting mostly for the intriguing narrative rather than possible gameplay. But is this a new thing where characters are designed to look like the actors that voice them. I understand how they would want to do this to tie in with something more recognizable. I find it distracting.

There’s a documentary, didn’t bother to look up the name, about a US city or town that deliberately holds back males a year in school so that when they play football they will be a year older and thus bigger and stronger than the opposing players. Haven’t watched it as it is too depressing.