
My immediate reaction. I don’t watch soccer, is that normal or common? Looks like a season ending injury.

“The talk is literally a talk”

Whale on each other? I believe you meant wail. Feel free to blame your spell checker.

I want to hear more about the Pinterest moms and their orange slices. Don’t have kids, never involved in sports myself. Feels like there could be a whole post about worst experiences with parents micromanaging snack time.

Masturbaion is about the only time I’ll hold anything in my hand that will shoot, but it’s more like a dribble so no real risk involved. Would like to see a PSA though for the benefits of those on the receiving end of the guys who are capable of more eruptive display.

When people choose a public place to threaten suicide, usually it means they’re not serious. They’re just desperate and need someone to intervene and help them. I read about a guy in Michigan who built his own guillotine. When you get to that point your private agony won’t be made public.

Too soon? The event occurred three decades ago.

The muppets are just...puppets?!

Your comment about finely-crafted worlds is the biggest concern I have about video games. They’re not worlds. It’s just pixels on a screen. Campaigns haven’t been waged, battles haven’t been won, treasure hasn’t been found. It’s an illusion of activity, and at the end of the time spent you’ve accomplished nothing but

The reason why this is news is because it’s so rare. Few bullfighters are injured, let alone killed. It’s like the myth of rodeo animals being wild. It’s the false belief in risk that makes the events seem dangerous. It’s machismo, nothing more.

Yes. It’s like people who call gays fud pucker. They can’t relate so they try to make a joke, like being gay is a punchline.

I marvel at the headline and the fact that you’re talking about someone playing tennis.

Probably something that’s only shared with the medical profession. If the purpose is diagnostic assistance, lay people using the app would have the opportunity to make uninformed comments that would render it useless. RootyTooty also says about making a confession. Sounds like someone who works in the field admitting

“That there is exactly where you do not want to leave a pitch against Aaron Judge.”

His name is Ryan and he’s 27 years old. Why do people continue to call him Scooter? Does he throw a tantrum if you use his real name?

Of course they do. That’s what the device is for. Guys shave their face and cut the hair on their head. Why would hair below the neck be any different. It’s coarse and unsightly. Glad to see more guys shaving it or at least trimming it.

Of course they do. That’s what the device is for. Guys shave their face and cut the hair on their head. Why would

You could tell he was a Trump supporter by the way he went up and hugged her at the end. Just went right for it without even wondering whether she wanted to or not.

It’s a baseball team. How do their wins and losses affect your life?

As one police officer noted, everyone thinks they’re the exception. You can’t hold a conversation or text while driving without, as has been shown, having a greater risk of getting in an accident with potentially deadly consequences. It is not, as others have claimed here, similar to other distractions in a vehicle.