
Hazing is just another name for bullying. It’s about intimidation and control. Just because some forms are less degrading than others doesn’t make them any of it acceptable.

So the unbelievable part of this is that he would be reincarnated as Lou Gehrig, not that he would be reincarnated at all?

It should be considered a form of abuse to raise a kid who gets this upset over a sporting event. Way more important things in life don’t get this much reaction.

A sports team is a singular entity. Your headline should read “Barcelona is miserable.”

“Business Insider reports that over 200,000 people deleted the Uber app”

You deserve a Pulitzer for that opening paragraph.

There needs to be some mention of Autodesk’s free suite of 3D Design software that provides an alternative to more expensive options. http://www.123dapp.com/

Disgusting. What is accomplished by having two people viciously assault one another. How anyone can consider this a sport is beyond me. Same is true for men. Just another indication of our decline.

So no one has ever super glued something in their naval? This generation doesn’t even try anymore.

Unless he says he found Jesus I don’t believe him.

You were a good boy this year for writing something so entertaining. Rest assured this will compensate for all the bad things you’ve done. And there really does need to be an award for blog posts. I nominate this as the best summation of this year:

A sports team is a singular entity. Thus your headline should read Liverpool is running riot. The plural form would be accurate if you referred to multiple players, Liverpool players are running riot.

You’re atheist, but you can’t even spell the word correctly? If you’re going to believe your imaginary friend protected, why not choose Santa Claus. He visits us once a year. Where has Jesus been the past 2000 years?

It’s nice to read about someone who has integrity for a change, appreciates that words can hurt, and the conviction to make a personal change for the better.

The whole point of this bizarre post seems to be that Jeb Bush referred to his father as old. But that is how we refer to anyone’s age. Turn 13, you’re 13-years-old. Turn 27, you’re 27-years-old. How else would he refer to his father’s age?

A sports team is considered a singular entity, yet you treat it as a plurality in your writing. Your headline should read Liverpool Is Finally Back and the first sentence of the first paragraph should read Liverpool hasn’t won the league title.

Why don’t any sexy baseball players ever take their shirts off? Ben Revere played for the Blue Jays. He was hot. Do you know how much time I spent Googling “Ben Revere shirtless”? No shirtless pics. Gymnasts are shirtless all the time. Unfair.

I used to buy those fancy moisturizers in pharmacies. Now I think they’re a complete waste because they cost too much and most of the time the first ingredient is water. Natural moisturizers like coconut oil, Shea butter, or my personal favorite hemp oil are all I would use.

I was just at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. They have priceless antiquities just sitting on top of pedestals. This is what I expected to happen.

Getting drunk is an idiotic waste of a life.