@NaraVara: Your statements are quite funny. If you want to prove me wrong then prove me wrong don't call me names like a child.
@NaraVara: I don't take meds which is why I'm probably able to understand and look up facts better than most the people in this country. Bringing this shit up? Really? Why wouldn't I bring up the lies and disinfo that's been spread around for years. The family members want a new investigation and this dude is…
@kaffenated: If they actually did then you have the responsiblity to find out all the facts surrounding it. 9/11 was never investigated fully. building 7? was not hit by a plane and fell to the ground the same way the towers fell. You sound more like a paid agent then a 911 family member.
@silverserver: PBR
@Syntax Error: Please photoshop tom crusise sitting on that tower in place of that giraffe. plzzzz :)
@visualplastik: lol
@Live N Learn: You're too little. You don't give up your rights when you walk into an airport. Just like you don't give up your rights when you walk into a Wal-mart. They would like you to think that but it is not true.
@TampaShooters: A false sense of security doesn't make you safe.
@TampaShooters: You are obviously lacking in the 'know your rights' department.
@brijazz: Also I'm not a libertarian. I'm not a republican. I'm not a democrat. I'm not an independant. I'm not right or left. I'm not center. I am an American. And you can beleive whatever you want just as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights. And molesting me at the airport and taking pictures of me…
@brijazz: I see some other people saying the same thing.. I have to go to work so I have to be scanned or molested. Well.. no you don't. When you got the job was there a contract? Did it say you would have to be molested or did it say in the contract that in order to keep this job that nude photos of you would need…
@Jonathan Parent: Thanks! I had to google it to be honest. I was going to reply seriously to it then thought hmm.. that has quotes around it.. :)
@Live N Learn: The average person doesn't know all the facts surrounding the matter. Most, like you, don't understand or care about the cost of freedom until it gone and by then it is too late. Are the machines safe? do they save pics? Well there's proof they lied about one of those what about the other? …
@Live N Learn: Sorry I forgot you were slow. What i thought you would understand was that if they lied about the scanners not saving the photos than what about the fact they say "the scanners are safe".
@Musclehead: Muslim TSA Worker Frisks Catholic Nun (Photo)
@PestiEsti: You know who kills more people on the Earth than anything else in the world? Governments.
@tattooedjunecleaver: This is called a false sense of security. A trained terrorist would know how to kill you without any weapons. Don't allow them to violate your body. Giving up your rights makes you less safe not more safe. I personally don't like being treated like a criminal.