
I've been using a decidedly lower tech solution. FM radio. I have access to all media (local files, streaming, etc) integrated on a Mac mini XBMC box that runs my home theater. I can control this box remotely (laptop, iPhone, iPad, whatever). In addition to the audio out to the living room, I also pipe it out to an FM

Coincidentally, I just finished A HERO FOR WONDLA last night. These are great books with a fast, forward-moving plot. The art perfectly complements the story and helps to flesh out the world without overriding the reader's imagination.

I understand and get the point about Hermione’s retort. (Although I feel it’s better as a slam against Ron's lack of skill that a real reply to Harry’s point. Hermione's mad because she feels left out and we pretty much all know how that feels.) And I understand that us nerds and geeks have been the brunt of the

No thanks... I'll wait for Apple to approve the CueCat app, instead.

Any word on whether this is coming to the US?

OR... Be the bigger person and just walk away. Just because you CAN lash out at an asshole doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Or a screen skin from Best Skins Ever. Comparable to IS at half to a third of the price.

The site is not FactoryReset.com as mentioned in the article, but factory-reset.com with a dash in between. The first one is rubbish.

It's still better than the native mail app.

I can't believe you're bashing the person based on his interests. It was his demographic that has made gawker sites what they are today. How quickly you have forgotten of your past.

Indeed—this article is a serious disgrace to Gizmodo. It's already up, so putting it down will just make things worse. Good job, guys; you've succeeded in losing even more respect since your shitty page redesign.

Boring people everywhere. Your new car has arrived.

What happened to you that makes you hate the Bible so much?

Thanks for the only sensible content on this page.

Wow—how the mighty have fallen. This is what the Giz has turned into, eh?

What a bunch of $hit. It's fake. The officer ran out of tickets but had a piece of notebook paper? To top it off, "officer" is written like it's someone's signature. Like the officer's first name is Officer.

@izzi303: I know what USB stands for. What I am saying is USB as the universal socket for everything.

Their poor Web site is being over run. I hope someone gave them the courtesy of letting them know Gizmodo would be posting a link to their site before sending thousands of people to it. If they did know, they sadly underestimated the potential traffic.

@acidrain69: No it wouldn't since it would be per user account.

Bigger, more comfortable seats, more room, etc. Basically make coach what is currently business class. And ideally without making it cost a fortune.