
TSA violates child molestation laws with this practice. Put them in prison with the rest of the scumbag molesters.

@Live N Learn: One important fact you didn't grasp - the TSA said the images were not stored. Here are the those images that were not stored. Get it? They lied. This should be your agruement: What's so bad about people who are in charge of our security being liers?

@brijazz: You wouldn't need a job in my utopia because you wouldn't exist in my utopia. Just saying... if I really had a choice you wouldn't be there. I'd send you to live in China because that is your utopia the way you love your pat downs and being treated like a criminal for non-crimes of flying someplace.

@brijazz: Well I'm not going to tell you to stand in line and make a scene and get arrested and cavity searched. You can take a stand by boycotting. In fact November 24th is OPT OUT day. Maybe you can tell those folks to just take it in the arse and not make a big deal over their liberties.

@brijazz If you want to be a coward and not stand up for yourself or others than that's fine but don't tell others to be a coward and take it in the arse and allow our freedoms to be taken away.

@ArmandoM: Some of us think the consequences of playing by their rules is more of a risk than not playing by their rules and questioning them instead. The persons who keep saying we need them are the same people who are profitting off them. They are also the same people orchestrating the fake bomb stories. All the

@brijazz: not my cat, just a pic of a cat in a shirt and the avatar wont change.. and i don't torment cats. i guess yours is cool because it's two guys with guns.. looks like pulp fiction where the two guys were assasins .. sooo... whatever. nice try though.

@kingtj: agreed. It's a re-education into the police state enviornment they are setting up. teaching the kids to submit. Look at mommy and daddy being frisked and sent thru naked body scanners! You are bad if you don't let us search you! This kid doesn't want to be molested! Send him in for a cavity search she

@Darkelementz: You also might get struck by lightning. Even more chance of that than being killed by a terrorist.

@lamagnumrt: Wait - grandma's might blow up a plane with their wigs! We must de-wig every grandma!

@popennell: To be even more fair a little kid has never in the history of commericial flight blown up an aircraft.

@v6sonoma: You do that and they will do a cavity search.

@skraelingshortbus: You would rather give up your freedom and rights instead of using your freedom and rights and go someplace else? When your rights are gone you won't be able to make such decisions. I'd rather fight it and show it is wrong. Since when did an American blow up a plane. Seriously? Read up on that

@brijazz: I for one will not take a commercial flight and instead I'll drive someplace for a vacation and never get frisked or molested by anyone and have a great time enjoying my freedom and at the same time opting out of their police state re-education.

@ArmandoM: If you are truely free then you do have a choice. How about giving up going to that place and instead go someplace else? How about that? Instead of losing your right to privacy (your freedom - a big part of what privacy is) go vacation/visit someplace else.

Those who give up their freedom for security deserve neither. You guys and gals enjoy being molested by the TSA. I can't wait till they bring this to the local malls and shopping centers.

@shooter: That's just it — it wasn't somewhere because there was no "where." There was no space for matter to exist in because space, time, and matter were compressed into an infinitely small space. Or so the story goes.

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