
Huh? Green? Since when is Depleted Uranium green??????

Looks like CCTV cameras. Don't want!

You don't have to call anyone to do this. Buy a megaphone and talk away! You DO have that right still.

"Just as when an individual who is not vaccinated puts others' health at risk"

I blame the photographer.

@SeraphX2: Steve Jobs looks weird in dresses.

@KryptonZero: Freedom Toasted Skin Syndrome! (for showing your fake patriotism)

@hagren: I'd say we're arguing the same point, semantics notwithstanding. A poorly managed and inefficient team, no matter how brilliant and well-financed, is not going to produce a quality product.

@GerudoThief: drag said it well — it's really not that big of a deal. Tattoos are more about expressing a part of yourself than choosing an image that you want to look at forever. After all, no matter where you put a tattoo, chances are other people are going to look at it a lot more than you are.

@hagren: That's not being committed to quality. At all. Quality assumes you're actually creating a product. To waste this much time and money to produce exactly nothing is the opposite of quality. Striving towards an unattainable ideal just means you have unrealistic goals, not a commitment to excellence. And in the

Lol. The delete button is for deleting emails. Gotcha. Whats the insert button for inserting emails?

@allannon: Because a mans house and his dogs are more important than $75 and that is what firefighters do. They risk their lives for people and make that sacrifice which is why they are so loved by everyone... until these morons came along.

@universalcode: I wouldn't group these a-hole firefighters in with the rest of that state. maybe this is Al gores idea of global warming.. he's from Tennessee.