
WD40 is your friend. Seriously though... they could have built them away from the town in a secluded area where noise wouldn't be a factor... couldn't they? Look at that picture it looks like they built them right on top of the houses. What genius came up with that?

@Rhitick: I have to admit the suction cup toys were cool.

Want Now!

Looks like a giant typewriter head that only types the letter O.

So this makes it easy for them to cheat now. Zoom in on the coach and then tell the other team whats up. I see noooo problem with this until it hits the street corners... oh wait

"Not only do I not have an Android-equipped phone in my car, I don't know what one is, wouldn't know what one was if I saw one, have no intention of doing the research to find out, never want to expand my knowledge base, have zero desire to stay current with the world I'm paid to comment on, and plan to spend the rest

I can't decide whether to make a Secret of the Ooze joke or a Ghostbusters 2 joke.

@synthprax: I'll stick to wriggling all the same, thank you.

This started exactly the same as a Stephen King story about a guy who kept following a road, couldn't turn around, and ended up trapped in a town populated by dead rock stars.

Does wriggling across the floor count as "walking"? If I jump down the street, am I flying?

@Keith Whistler: Stop making sense this is 2010 you know. You should agree that the drainage isn't that bad (you've seen worse) and that they are doing what they can in such a time of crisis. Maybe we could lend a hand and bail them out.

@jvac88: Keep Calm and Carry On was a poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of World War II, to raise the morale of the British public in the case of invasion.

@blyan-reloaded: Myrtus is a genus. Myrtus communis is the scientific name for the common myrtle. Thats what I think anyways... not sure what it has to do with Iran or how one word could prove who dun it.. :D but thats the info I gathered from wiki.

@Duc: Google: Genetic modification of turkeys

@DNiedAcess: There's a condition where people hear someone talking about government experiments, fbi, cia, and other secret societys and immediately think of aliens and tin/aluminum foil. It's brought about by years of behavioral conditioning from when they are kids and continues into their adult lives. If you or