
@ClaudioIphigenia: That's a bit of a blanket statement. Have you been to a lot of burlesque shows? I'd say in all the ones I've been to in and around Brooklyn, only a small, small percentage are performed by the type of women your describing. Maybe the hipster population is bigger in Denver?

@TRT-X: Cameras are frowned upon in strip clubs, not burlesque shows. Every burlesque event I've been too (a lot), cameras are openly encouraged because it means the artists get more exposure. Pun sort of intended.

@BrainBubble: Burlesque is about acting, comedy, and performance art mixed with titillation. Stripping is about turning men on to get dollar bills. Comments like yours just say to everyone, "I've never been to a burlesque show."

I think I just found my morphing ball.

I immediately flashed to:

@Dexomega: What is project paperclip for +1 internets?

@Curves: Keep the light on, silly.

@jms: All the people that I've known that have joined the service did so because of the reasons I stated. They didn't have money for college and couldn't find a good paying job. The Marines, Army, Navy, paid for their college and some even stayed in the Army. And they are not the only ones. I can tell you as a

@medopal: Thats just a perk for them. If you read the document it outlines plans to take over the middle east, throw out Saddam and then attack Iran using their strategic military bases surrounding Iran while continuing their two-war system.

@geolemon: To be fair, just because you're "worth" $250 million, doesn't mean it's kept in your bedroom in stacks of 20s. His share of the company and other assets would have made up a huge portion of that, so it wouldn't have been available for charitable donations anyway, not unless he wanted to liquidate

@Arken: They were never 'in charge'. They are just the mouth pieces of a globalist agenda which has not changed in the past two years.

@FriarNurgle: "This 'dorky looking helmet' is the only thing that's going to protect me from the REAL bad guys. "

@Arken: If the scale of that simulation is correct, that's where the guy stands to reload the munitions. Unless you want to just strap him to the belly of the plane with a bungee cord.

@jms: Yeah right... it's more likely called being too poor and can't find a job so I join the military because they say they will pay for my college, it looks like so much fun, I get to travel to exotic places and I can find a job right away after two years of service if I don't get my arm shot off or my leg or my

War is fun! Look how much fun you have! It's all about swimming and hanging out in the Carrribean! Join up now!

The plan has always been to attack Iran/Iraq/Afganistan - READ: Rebuilding America's Defenses - September 2000.

This animates like a Shockwave.com game from 2002.

"without the need for any staff at all"? I saw four staff members in just that short clip.

My friends and I won $1,900 on Cash Cab last month.