
@Spartanical: So ok lets see.. the mercury in the fish + the mercury in the water + the mercury in the food that was grown using the contaminated water = More than just what is in the one bottle of water.

@Live Not Learn: spit is not a flavor.

There's over nine thousaaaaaaaand!

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@Live Not Learn: Once again... you cant taste h20.

@MikeofLA: You are tasting minerals you can't taste H2O. It's fact. You have water in your mouth right now... whats it taste like?

@Live N Learn: They grow up and then go to the doctor who prescribes them a bunch of pills that as I stated above have worse/major negative effects on their health (risk of suicide, liver damage.. come on man). But thats legal... so it's all ok. Then their kids see them popping the pills they get at the doctor and

@Live N Learn: 14 states and DC have recently legalized it. It doesn't do what you think it does.

@Live N Learn: On the subject of depression: I feel it is caused more by todays society as a whole and not some chemical imbalance and definetly not by mary jane. People today are told they are free yet everyday they have to go to work to make money just to live and survive. Before man enslaved everyone with money

@ChipSuey: To be fair Dasani is tap water that has been filtered through reverse osmosis. But then they add minerials to it like potassium cloride which is IMO a poison and they use it as the 'lethal injection' when giving lethal injections to stop the heart from beating. Knowing that much I say no thanks to Dasani.

@Live N Learn: Dasani contains Potassium Chloride which has other uses like "stopping the heart from beating".

@Live N Learn: Actually pot is can be an anti-depressant.

@michael: Also the water in your home most likely has added chemicals & poisons (look up sodium flouride - which in fact causes teeth decay not the other way around) but yes the added chemicals add taste to otherwise tasteless pure H20.

@Spartanical: The taste advertised in spring water or mineral water derives from the minerals dissolved in it: pure H2O is tasteless and odorless.

@michael: I also forgot to mention that parents give their kids drugs now-a-days from big pharma. And those drugs cause serious problems to the kids. Problems that pot does not cause.

@Hiphopopotamus: I don't want to put words in blyan-reloaded's mouth but what I think he saying is that pot doesn't cause any of the health problems or side effects that legal drugs cause. In fact it has medicinal uses and hundreds of other uses (look up hemp).