
@CandyBacon: It seems odd that they would just post food articles instead of posting food articles that tie into Giz's over-arching themes of gadgetry, computing, and sci-culture. Surely there is enough food tech out there to write about to make this week's theme a little less jarring.

@darkstar516: I asked this question the other day regarding a post about grilled cheese sandwiches and got banned the phantom zone, so be careful. I never did get an answer, either. :(

Maybe he visited this site:

@devwild: Thats good to hear.

People getting fat is not the only reason to not want HFCS.

I'll try them out as soon as I get the update.

@Cogito Ergo Bibo: That's not a bad workaround. I rarely have a free burner, though, and dropping in a gizmo seems like a faster solution that getting out another pot (kettle) and adding more water. Clever solution though.

@MarcusMaximus: I don't want to disparage your cooking skills, having never supped with you, but if you're only using 8 cups of water to make pasta, you need to change. Pasta water needs to be very, very generous to avoid a starchy taste to the noodles. That's why the first Google result for "pasta pot" is 8 quarts,

@Cogito Ergo Bibo: A tea kettle is for heating a couple of cups of water to boiling. If you try to make pasta with a couple of cups of water, you end up with a gluey mass of cement. Two different functions going on re: pot and kettle. It's like comparing a toaster oven to a regular oven and scoffing at the oven.

This is one of those genius "why the hell have I never seen this before?" products. Like the key that is also a keyring.

Worked good when I first typed in some randon stuff but when I tried a real search it locked up my computer and browser the same as iTunes. As I'm typing this it is still searching/blank page/win7 hourglass spinning... maybe everyone else on giz just discovered it at the same time which would make sense.

Wow, 18 hours you couldn't access a website for RIAA or MPAA... wait I've never been to their website in the first place... has anyone?

@jchen1: :) No offense to Utah.. I should have said the "gun grabbers" would be screaming".. instead of "government".

If a citizen did this the government would be screaming: "Those guns are bad! We need to take them from you so you don't hurt yourself or others!" but since it was them using them as usual and doing more damage with them as usual they just say "oops".

Why why why is high school always the "perfect hiding place"?! The perfect hiding place is 6 miles underground in a completely sealed chamber, not in a place where your every move and gaffe is scrutinized by hundreds of eyes.

Can I ask: why is this on Giz? I don't think the use of a bread knife qualifies this story as techy.

@luckybaka: True. Better to be wasting your time commenting about how much time people are wasting.