Right now how is KAT/Wiggins any different than Kevin Love/Michael Beasley in 2010?
Right now how is KAT/Wiggins any different than Kevin Love/Michael Beasley in 2010?
I haven’t seen this much power from a Scooter since Jim Ross’ wife got tossed from one!
“Fucking Latinos!” - Mike Schmidt when stubbing a toe
You think that’s bad? One person texted Higgins “I wish you owned a bakery and were forced to bake a gay couple’s cake!”
This was always funny but now the kids are self-aware and trying too hard.
Okay, yes now I get it. Thank you for elaborating.
Would someone explain this joke to me?
NBC did a broadcaster-free Sunday afternoon broadcast around 2000 and the ratings bombed as I recall. But I love the idea like you.
For having a terrible name, right?
Minnesota Head Coach Tracy Claeys was seen at many garage sales this summer in the Twin Cities looking to haggle over an Ax since he has no idea how to win one.
That president is almost as pompous as their fanbase who thinks their matchup against Western Illinois should be a bigger deal nationally than the Iron Bowl.
It never ceases to amaze me how often fans just blindly side with these dirty, crooked owners like if they weren’t paying (player)(x millions of dollars) that the owners would just give free money to the fans instead and not just pocket it.