
Keep the Saturn in Saturnalia! Damn Christian newbs...

Without the detailing dude would just look like a thumb with a face, though.

What do the UAW and Obama have to do with Alfa Romeo? Last I knew, Fiat was the sole owner of Alfa Romeo. Also, as far as Obama goes, the U.S. government no longer owns any share of either Chrysler or GM.

Wow. A lot of cynical people in these comments.

What kind of accountant are you that you're making management's decisions for them?

As a (web) designer, I have found that some of the work I am most proud of has come from projects where I have had the most restrictions. It's kinda funny how that works. I think it helps drive direction, at least for me.

As a (print) designer, I gotta disagree.

Even with a blank check and no limits, a designer can create crap. We aren't all geniuses and everything that comes from our hands is not gold. We screw up a lot.

A good designer knows how to make the most out of crappy resources.

The original mustang was a crappy ford falcon

That would be really funny had we not launched it several years before the financial crash that the American banks caused.

He seems to live in Norway. Norway, I think, is one of those European countries with an insane "air pollution" tax, like many others. That means you pay a one time tax at registration, the amount being based on how much CO2 the car puts out.

We give USB crap, but anyone remember what it replaced?

I enjoy the design of this vehicle.

Only costs $160 for one too.... I played varsity for 4 years in highschool and from that experience I learned that, although you'd think a ball is a ball, theres a surprising difference between them all. I'd love to be able to kick one of those around for a while.

Sure, but so did plenty of the early titles of the last generation, but the graphics of games on both consoles increased as time went by. Developers will learn how to better take advantage of the hardware at hand over time.

Disagree about the PS4 design saying "ignore me". That's what Microsoft were going for - a box that blends into all the other boxes under your TV. Sony created a console with an eye-catching slant and a big blue/white line. They also slapped a giant multicoloured headlight on their controller.

Huh. I kinda thought the PS4 was the best. Clean and simple. I like it.

Yup, console gaming is dying hard isnt it?.......... Even though every year combined sales outsell its previous generation. The PS4 breaking record sales in the UK, being the fastest selling console in history in the UK. Also, the PS4 being Sonys fastest selling console ever. Selling more then the PS1 sold in 6 months

I think we're best leaving that determination up to mental health professionals. We're by no means experts; so, to decide whether or not he was truly ill is not exactly our call. To me, doing something this crazy seems like it would indicate some kind of illness, but I don't know.

The glove box bit is comedy. You know, because it is cross promotion for a movie.

I'm in one of the key age demographics they're trying to target, and many of my friends like the ads. When it comes down to it, real car guys are a very small part of the market and it's not who they're trying to appeal to.