MIC Rulz

When you've all committed sexual assault together you just have that very special bond, you know?

$100k Neon lol

The rims match, that hideous thing goes over the rim.

Oh c’mon, we need at least one nostalgic photo of the longtail in here...

I always thought google should have marketed Google Glass to black people.

I’m starting to think that its POC that should be wearing body cameras 100% of the time, and not just the police.

Best part of that story is that it’s untrue on multiple levels.

Behold the E911.

It’s his own fault. If he lived in the US, he wouldn’t have had health insurance so he couldn’t have had surgery. Problem solved.

You. You are good.

We don’t need no elevation
We don’t need no plane control
No dark sarcasms in the cockpit
Controllers leave them pilots alone
Hey! Controllers! Leave them pilots alone!
All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.
All in all you’ve just hit another brick wall.

Does the technician get to affix a little sticker of a fighter jet to the outside of his toolbox now?

Next step is abundantly clear:

I hate that I don’t hate this.

She reacts in an adult responsible way: “HA HA CUCK! THIS IS WHY WE NEED A REAL MAN TO TAKE CHARGE.”

Imagine if we lived in a country where this could negatively impact a candidate?

They absolutely should, but too many people in this country believe that women with opinions, convictions, and the will to see them heard should be “put in their place.”

There’s both a masturbatory and Offred fantasy playing out in this interaction that far too many citizens of this nation are indulging in—and that’s

While violence in this instance would likely only have fueled a narrative of “SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT,” I cannot imagine a person more deserving of five across the face than this corpulent gasbag.

May I one day have the grace and restraint that Ms. Mahlberg showed in this confrontation.

What a fucking douche. People need to punish this sort of shit.

I didn’t necessarily want her to punch him in the face, but I absolutely want her to punch him in the face.