MIC Rulz

I hate that we try to read anything into her headgear and fashion choices, but this one is really, really weird.

Saw a bumper sticker a while ago:
I’d rather push an Alfa than drive a Golf.”

I’m surprised the officer in the picture wasn’t also on his mobile phone while on the computer, both which of course are illegal in my state but hey, because cops, they’re above all laws, so I guess it’s okay.

Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...

Perhaps true, but your work doesn’t take priority over anyone else’s bandwidth just because it’s work either.

Yeah, 63 ain’t nothing.  The excuse of it being an older driver doesn’t really hold water at 63.

The gap between myself and the person in front of me that I’m muttering “give up your license you old fuck” is rapidly closing. 

Thanks so much for all the kind words Stef here’s a picture of the car as it sits now without the orange

Father to two daughters does not have to mean shit regarding concern for them. There are too many parents that abuse, molest, neglect, sell, even kill their kids, simply having children doesn’t make one concerned for their well-being automatically. Some dad’s are useless shit while others would take a bullet for their

Yet somehow, republican voters, who are measurably less intelligent than Democratic voters, are able to gurgle forth “Whitewater”, “Lewinsky” and “Benghazi” on reflex. Even though some of those murky events occurred decades ago. That is because republican leadership, with their propaganda machine, know how to drive a

“Can you give me a chance?” scream-whines the man who has not yet let a woman respond to his prior comments. What an asshole. 

Its a shame that most white women don’t care about other white women

That’s not a car anymore, it’s a bauble for collectors. Only 74 miles, what a shame and a waste for what could have been a great car to own and drive.

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

They should socialize the issue during their next synergy meeting.

Hey, remember that we’re in the United States, and we can call him a fat, orange, demented piece of shit who doesn’t actually represent this country’s actual values because we don’t live under a dictatorship.

He’s not the president for all Americans. He has solely pandered to his base and his funders (big coal, big oil, etc.) and blatantly refuses to be a president for all.

Keep your eyes on this kinda thing, folks. Those who are worried that Trump and his goons will try to install him as permanent leader through violence are overlooking the more likely, and just as devastating probability — that our rights to protest, to organize voters and workers, will be gradually eroded through

Air BNB.

It was definitely this man’s unlocky day.