It’s one of those crimes they can toss at just about anyone to give them an excuse for further shit.
It’s one of those crimes they can toss at just about anyone to give them an excuse for further shit.
For those of you who don’t live in the police state that is the USA right now where black folks are concerned ... and yes, I know it’s not “right now”, it’s “forever” ... here is what that same interaction sounds like in a proper 1st world country.
The fact that jaywalking is a crime is fucking stupid; people are already assuming liability for an accident as soon as they cross anywhere outside of the crosswalk... so what’s the benefit? Unless we are saying that a $150 fine is somehow a greater deterrent than death by a vehicle.
.... just, like, this is fucking bullshit. If you’re a cop and you see someone jaywalking you could literally just say, “Excuse me, sir, but please don’t jaywalk. It’s technically illegal and you could be fined” and that’s fucking it. Pat down? On the street in broad daylight? Fucking performance art for rich white…
Same here.
I have a mother in law who doesn’t really leave the house, doesn’t get along with any of her neighbors, has zero POCs as friends, and watches Fox News and she recently declared that she can’t believe people are upset about racism because “I never see it anymore”
There are an astounding number of white folks…
Ok, I assume you are asking an honest question, so here goes.
White supremacists hammer home two main points in the media and politics. One is that everything is already “equal”, which they follow with the idea that any time people of color gain something, it means eventually white people will lose something.
White people confuse me.
So not only do they charge me for luggage and shrink my leg space, but they were also making a ton of cash moving freight and still had to get bailed out.
I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.
So we’re all agreed then: the photo’s pronounced GIF with a hard G, rhymes with “riff”? Got it.
So we’re all agreed then: the photo’s pronounced GIF with a hard G, rhymes with “riff”? Got it.
If you’re in California, riding a motorcycle can significantly shorten your commute.
“Instead, the company wanted to just make a good bike that rides well. We’ll see if that’s enough.”
They’d have a lot less to do if stores got around to fixing the bag sensors. I swear, if I have to listen to a terminal ask me to remove items from my completely empty paper bag one more time...
This is an excellent post that fully encapsulates both the history and significance of the Air Force One livery. I once had the amazing opportunity to see both VC-25A’s in person and they were glorious. My significant other works for DOD and I happily tag along on some official trips when I’m allowed.
Great article with far more detail than I expected from the headline.
Max, that's FANTASTIC work. Well done.
The new paint scheme, like the administration itself, perfectly represents modern America: tacky, stupid, greedy and tasteless.
Good, fast, cheap — pick any two, or sometimes only one. Let me give you a perspective from someone who works inside the system.