Who? The Camaro or the videographer?
It’s a typo - should read “shape shat out by a lizard.”
The videographer not knowing HOW SCREENS ARE SHAPED made that hard to watch.
Supreme Benevolent Leader Of The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Faithful and Fearless Poultry Chosen By God
I'm not proud but that sandwich thing makes me hungry.
This might be worse than Takata.
Yea, but aren’t these fiat engines? I mean the numbers look good, but they’re not going to have the mazda reliability.
Mama mia!
Haha. I parallel park like three times a day; I’m a master. It’s one of the few things I’m really good at. Eating is another.
Salesmen: This car is the most reliable car in the history of the universe. It will easily run a billion miles before it needs it’s first oil change.
Why certified pre-owned programs actually benefit car companies with a reputation for poor reliability
hah! my guess was going to be VW. This was made before reading the article, just based on the headline and reading VWVortex
I’m excited that I just bought a steam mop. This is my life?!
I’m excited that I just bought a steam mop. This is my life?!
and doesn’t even check on the other driver. Fuck this guy.
Step 1: Change your name to Jerry Seinfeld
Your local Russian is here to translate.
It’d be a solid player amongst the Wrangler demographic...which I’m not convinced would be swayed towards anything else even if they existed, tbh - but still.
Well that escalated for no reason whatsoever...