
Her fellow fascists might tsk tsk her for continuing to be a shrieking nutjob but would they support throwing her stupid bigoted ass out of the House? Gonna guess no. So they can take their wagging fingers and insert them deeply into their own asses.

I’m just here to offer a regular reminder that just because a virus is survivable, doesn’t mean it isn’t still bad. I survived my two weeks with COVID fine, but a year of ever increasing medical problems that are all related to the infection are what is causing the real damage. Damage to my life, my physical health,

I was kinda surprised that he wasn’t in prison for some reason.

It’s gross that we’re still talking about that guy at all. He should be shunned into bankruptcy.

I can just imagine the reaction of a CPS worker in response to a mask-wearing child. I’m thinking it’s going to be something along the lines of, “Are you fucking kidding me?! Why are you wasting my time with this Tucker Carlson bullshit?”

CPS is really, really not down with baseless accusations. The one hope in this shitstorm is that enough people who try this catch enough expensive legal repercussions that it blows back at him.

Oh, Tucker, honey. There are LOTS of reasons Biden voters snort at you in judgement, and masks won’t change that.

Seriously, I don’t know how he goes anywhere in public at all without getting punched in the face every time he steps outside. He probably wears a mask so people don’t recognize him.

I wish someone would punch Tucker Carlson in the face everyday after lunch. (And after breakfast, and dinner, and every time he goes to the bathroom.)

Call the police immediately, contact child protective services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you’re looking at is abuse, it’s child abuse and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it.

Why is this guy still on the air? How come there hasn’t been a boycott of advertisers like Bill O’Reilly?

I am curious what that particular conspiracy theory is, yet I very strongly do not want to google it. 

You answered your own question.

They’re evil, ignorant, and arrogant. It’s way easier to get ahead when you don’t give a shit about anyone or anything.

This is partially true. I'm vaccinated and I have an adverse impact on the unvaccinated: if they don't want to get vaccinated I tell them to fuck off.

That’s it. We all deserve the coming annihilation. 

This is the fifth shooting death of a student at Austin-East this year”

Unlike many commenters here, I typically have patience with the Kardashian family. They just don’t get under my skin much. But this shit is beyond the pale to me for some reason. I guess I hit my cap. The idea of a 37 yo woman hopping on Instagram live to “prove” her body actually looks a certain way is INSANE to me.

this is me exactly. if i allow myself to become obsessive about the health of the food i eat or labelling them as good or bad, it is SO FUCKING EXHAUSTING and I hate it. i try to eat healthy, but i don’t feel shame anymore if I eat a cookie or three because it’s just a waste of my brainpower and makes me feel like

This just seems like a new variety of disordered eating. One of my dear friends is obsessed with being a healthy eater. Everything she puts in her mouth is evaluated for its healthful properties and foods are frequently labeled good or bad, in a moral as well as nutritional sense. There is always a very strong element

Boat shoes are fine, Chet. Whatever keeps guys from exposing their unpedicured hobbit feet.