
Guy I used to work with got pissed when I pointed out that his irrational hatred for women in power/not cooking his dinner was not, well rational.  He got angrier still because I said, let’s say men are more rational by default; that means at some level we are capable of being irrational just not as irrational as

Who’s Miranda?”

What’s that old argument about women not being suited to be in government or CEOs because we just can’t ever control our emotions and we’re not rational creatures? Fuck Men. Especially these mouth breathing, neckbeard, red neck, racist fucking white men.

“Yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did”.

Oh, well. I mean, if he was having a really bad day, I can understand. I mean, how can men be expected to control their violent impulses towards women? I’m sure these people’s families will completely understand that their loved one died because this asshole was at the end of his rope. We’ve all been there, amirite?


Speaking as a girl who lived in Georgia for a while, that is WAY too many big words for Cherokee County.

Dear Idiot Cops,

When asked whether Long expressed remorse for his actions- the police captain said yes, he understood “the gravity of what he did” and “he was pretty much fed up and kind of at the end of his rope and yesterday was a really bad day for him,” he observed. “And this is what he did.”

This sounds about white. If you didn’t know the race of the shooter before the press conference you definitely figured it out when the sheriff said the shooter just had a bad day. 

I still feel like it was minimized. “Freeing” them after months of torture is nowhere close to making amends. I hated that she just puts her hood up and ignores the glares of the people she willfully tortured as she walks through them. it was callous and absurd and showed someone who was significantly more wrapped up

I COMPLETELY agree with you. the entire finale felt so frustrating because somehow Wanda’s grief and her trauma is more important than the genuine suffering she caused hundreds of people. What she did to them was literal torture, and that line that Monica said also rubbed SO the wrong way. what did she sacrifice? a

Rocks and minerals and crystals are excellent ways to appreciate the glory of nature and the earth and geological processes and all that. But they do not have magical properties.

The way this show minimized or outright ignored the suffering she caused drove me bananas. Her grief is nothing compared to the amount of grief she caused hundreds of innocent people, and not only does she get off the hook in a real legal sense, the show lets her off amazingly easy in judgement.

This controversy is pretty weird to me for the following reasons:

Do Americans think that Spanish people aren't white? 

A medal? Are you kidding me?! 

Yep. His supporters don’t give a fuck; if anything his rapey behavior towards women is a bonus feature.

Pity he’s not a Democrat, then there would at least be a chance he’d have to resign. As it stands, I’m sure he’s in line for a GOP medal or something.

Something to also note Gen X is a smaller amount of people than the Boomer Generation so despite their influence on things it was also the minority in comparison. The Boomers had greater representation and power within society. Truly the millennials who are all adults now could easily take over and sway society over