As a GenX’er I’m actually happy to see skinny jeans go away. I also think this generational beef happening on social media is pretty lame. Everything is pretty lame, actually.
As a GenX’er I’m actually happy to see skinny jeans go away. I also think this generational beef happening on social media is pretty lame. Everything is pretty lame, actually.
Honestly, she’s been pretty bad for a while, but I hadn’t realized she’d gone straight up conspiracy theorist. If her social media is any indication, the critical skills required to do heavy academic research simply aren’t there.
She’s very firmly committed to being wrong about many things. She posted on Twitter this weekend, bragging about eating at a restaurant with a large group of people.
I liked my life a little better a few minutes ago when I didn’t know who these people are.
According to a former FB friend, we should be focusing on eating clean. That will keep us from getting COVID-19.
I don’t think they actually care about human trafficking to be frank
She is “sickened” by human trafficking but not kids in cages (on Trump’s orders)? Those are some Olympic-level mental gymnastics.
Those gay Nazis really balanced out the unsavory elements of the whole bunch.
He kinda looks like one of my husband’s friends.. if my husband’s friend had a lobotomy and his mom hid his hot pockets
Fair like Hitler, fit like Goering, tall like Goebbels, heroic like these buffoons.
At this point I am triggered by blonde women pointing a finger while they’re speaking, like that top picture. Not proud of the fact that it makes me want to go snap her fucking finger off.
Honest question, who had access to Pressley’s office and was able to remove the panic buttons? Wouldn’t that be easy to find out? Also, GOP members who were apparently giving tours, couldn’t you easily find who was giving those tours and to who?
Boebart is currently being investigated for sending out informative tweets during the riot that are now being seen as intelligence about Pelosi’s whereabouts. These people have got to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The kumbaya theatrics from Republicans right now are just sickening. Take some goddamn responsibility!
Boebert posted Nancy Pelosi’s location on Parler even though she was admonished by the Sgt. at Arms not to do so. She was a fifth columnist and needs to be investigated.
Sorry but it looks like she’s branded herself Moldy Labia.
Every politician who stoked this fire should be removed from office. Anyone who directly incited the crowd to violence should be imprisoned. Anyone who was involved in reconnaissance for this attack should be put under the prison.
“Take note, America,” Steube said. “This is what you have to look forward to in the Joe Biden administration.”