
I’m there with you. This was unfolding while I was at work and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. It’s been a fixation that won’t be sated until more of these people are arrested, Cruz, McCarthy, Hawley, Boebert, Brooks (etc) are expelled from government and those 74 million people who voted for Trump crawl

I mean, they literally set up gallows. Now that their ‘actually, it was antifa’ line hasn’t worked, they’re pivoting to ‘was it really wrong?’ or ‘these are just a bunch of apple pie loving, freedom patriots from blue collars-ville letting off some steam’. But the fact is they brought zip ties and guns, they set up

Well, yeah, they definitely wanted to murder Mike Pence and very vocally.

Waiting 100 days would be a mistake. RIGHT NOW some Republicans in the Senate are willing to vote against Trump. In 3 months, the outrage of 1/6/21 will have died down some and those Republicans may not feel so strongly about sending a message to the ex-president.

Slight difference in that Black is a race, Latinx is not.  

You know you can be white and Latino right? Regardless of what this woman did or didn't do, Latino isn't a race.

What she did sucks but also: Latina/o/x does not automatically someone a person of color.

Can I just say it pisses me off to no end that they keep using The Punisher as their symbol?? Do they not realize they represent EXACTLY the sort of asshole Frank Castle would straight up shotgun to the face.

That and, while I’m jogging wearing one of my several The Punisher-related workout shirts I’d hate to be

You are a literal teenager at 26?

These people have fucking snakes in their brains, and can’t be helped. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — anyone who’s big time obsessed with child molesters is suspect as fuck.

Strategic projection. Which makes me really wonder about the Q loons.

Damn, I always forget to read the footnotes on these laws.

So worse than ISIS and twice as dumb.

Voter fraud always comes from the right wing. It is known. 

Much like with QAnon, it’s far more telling than they realize how SURE they are that everyone is doing voter fraud every chance they get. 

I disagree - ISIS actually had a communal health care plan.

The “law and order” sure goes out their way to break them. The Neo-Nazi Party is well on the way to becoming like ISIS.

I know this is going to sound fucked up, but if the BLM crowd started to embrace open carry tomorrow, there’s a decent chance we’d have gun buy backs nation wide the next day —with a level of momentum no amount of white-dipshit-perpetuated-mass-shootings could ever spur.

just the US*