
I love the way these look. I have a very cheap pair of sandals that look similar but they’re so uncomfortable that I can’t even wear them, so I might try again with these.

I remember an ex-bf of mine in the mid-90's (I’m OLD, lol) commenting in all seriousness that she was a “punk princess”, which made me seriously question what I was doing with him (that was the beginning of the end of that 3-month relationship).

As a Gen Xer, I feel invisible and irrelevant (what’s new, right?).

He’s not my senator, but as a state senator he does unfortunately have a powerful vote in how the entire country is run. He’s so horrible because he presents himself as a normal, reasonable politician who just happens to have archaic backwards views on everything. 

That’s what scares me most. Trump doesn’t have a chance in hell of overturning the vote by any legal or ethical means, but I don’t remember him or his allies ever hesitating to go down the illegal, unethical route. History has shown that he’s excellent at exhausting all avenues (legal or illegal) until he gets his

Same here. My father-in-law is the only person I know who supports Trump. It’s done a lot to damage the relationship between my husband and his father; they barely even speak to each other anymore. It’s utterly incomprehensible to me how anyone can support such a garbage person, especially when he’s actively trying to

Because OF COURSE.

Remember when Trump first took office and Ivanka tried to act like she was progressive? She was always spouting off lgbtq, feminist and civil rights quotes. She doesn’t even pretend anymore.

I hate that shit! It smells terrible, too.

I hate that shit! It smells terrible, too.

Same! That’s exactly what I thought when I saw the image Gosar posted. I’m almost positive he wanted people to make that connection.

Last week I was leaning towards supporting Bernie as a 2nd choice after Warren. I was thinking that Bernie had actually harnessed the youth vote finally, guaranteeing a larger turnout than any other year. 

As long as she has a WASP-sounding last name, she’s probably ok. She just needs a little bleach and she’ll be good to go.

Right? I don’t get it...did they forget about all the wars we’ve been involved in for the past 20 years?!

McHugh has apparently denounced her connections to the Alt-Right. She leaked the emails herself, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center:

This is brilliant.

I get that right-wingers are threatening gun violence and domestic terrorism if the government takes our guns...but how is this any different from what we already have now?

As an American, I wish I could argue your point. It has become patently obvious, however, that we are way too mean and stupid for successful self-governance.

Yep. He’s so fucking predictable at this point.

OMG I grew up in Stone Mountain, too...off of Hwy 78. :D