
It’d be interesting to learn what percentage of his voters actually believe the shit he says, vs what percentage know he’s full of shit but support him as a means to an end.

That’s the worst part. Even if Dems win in 2020, we now know at least 40% of the US population is complete garbage.

If predictions #1 and #2 happen, prediction #3 better happen.

This list would be perfect except for the fact that it’s missing Ryan Gosling.

That’s the decision they’re making in 2020: 

Your parents are exactly the same age as mine, though they sound infinitely more tech-savvy. :) My parents use both iPhones and iPads, but they still haven’t grasped some of the basic concepts, like what an app is.

My mom insists that my Dad’s iPhone doesn’t “have Google” on it.

Trump probably loves the thought of the earth and humanity dying soon after him.

Trump is such a fucking baby. He’s terrified of anyone asking real questions. It’s pretty amazing that a 72-year-old has gotten away with acting like this his entire life.

I couldn’t agree more. The media need to stop letting Trump yank them around. We aren’t learning any new or real information from these press conferences anyway. If anything, the press ends up spreading White House disinformation for them.

It’s especially exhausting a day after waiting on pins and needles to see whether we took the House back. I thought we could finally relax for a bit and then he pulls more stunts.

My cousin (we’re both hispanic) is rumored to support Trump. I’ve heard my parents talk about how his mom (my aunt) is pretty frustrated and disgusted by it. I saw him at a family get-together a few weeks ago. No one mentioned politics - I think everyone was afraid to. But there was definitely a new tension between

Option A would definitely require an elastic waistband and/or a good belt.

YES. Also, I think it’s interesting that the GOP was outraged that the left “ruined a good man’s reputation” (Kavanaugh) but they had no compunctions at all alleging that Hillary Clinton runs a child sex trafficking ring out of a fucking pizza parlor.

I suspect it’s Ivanka.

I didn’t know that. No one seemed to question Ted Cruz when he ran, except a few, as far as I can remember.

She isn’t eligible for a presidential run because she wasn’t born in the US...unfortunately, because she’s one of the few I love. :)

I was pleasantly surprised by Murkowski and Heitkamp, but Manchin, Collins and Flake can fuck off forever.

“What goes around comes around.” That was the most inexcusable thing he said. That sounds like an outright threat to anyone on the left whose case he oversees. Any judicial decisions he makes going forward will be illegitimate and poisoned with bias.

Thank God for Republicans like Sasse, Flake, Collins and Murkowski. They may vote to overturn abortion rights, cede power to large corporations, expand executive power, and subjugate minorities, but AT LEAST I know they were conflicted about it. /s