
God, that was SUCH complete bullshit. Everything I know about Kavanaugh, from the fact that he tried to force an undocumented teenager (a victim of sexual assault, no less) to give birth, to the many lies he’s told during confirmation hearings, to the sheer hypocrisy of him wanting his personal life kept private after

I starred this even though I’m one of the greys, because you’re absolutely right. There are way too many MRA types coming on here just to defend him.

I agree. It’s probably a lot of Men’s Rights types who have bandwagon jumped on this to further their agenda. Didn’t Chris Hardwick used to portray himself as being more on the liberal side of the spectrum (pre-allegations, when it ‘suited’ him better)?

The idiots on Morning Joe are already defending Republicans on this, claiming that they’ve extended themselves out to hear her in “good faith.”

Well, we know what Donald Trump thought of five innocent non-white Central Park teens. Death for them, the Supreme Court for white men.

It’s depressing that we’ve gotten to the point where he can shit himself on stage and throw feces at the audience, yet we know nothing will change.

Nothing will ever top “United Schtastsch, although “Enomanoos” comes in a close second.

I saw that story last night on Rachel Maddow. Between stripping Hispanic Americans on the border of their citizenship, illegally leaking an opposition candidate’s security clearance, and the news that almost 3,000 American citizens in Puerto Rico died from the Trump administration’s neglect and incompetence,

Same! I used to be able to read his tweets – no more. I fucking hate him. How is it possible for a single person to possess the ENTIRE SPECTRUM of horrible human characteristics?

LOL. It could be worse. I knew someone who (unknowingly!) went by the nickname ‘Pickles’ because that’s apparently what her feet smelled like. She was mortified when someone finally told her.

I just saw someone mention that on TV, along with the fact that he also advocated bringing back torture. Remember when he wanted the death penalty for the Central Park Five, who were proven innocent? Obviously the law should only apply to others, not to Trump and his scumbag friends.

Yep! Latin American here, too, and I couldn’t agree with you more.

Why is it that pundits always warn against Dems going too far left, but they NEVER warn that Republicans will lose votes by proposing extreme right-wing nut job policies like the Muslim Ban or a racist wall?

Yep. Shittiness is a global epidemic.

Someone needs to throw soiled diapers at every Republican and Trump they see. I want them to get a mouthful.

Yep. The only thing more disturbing than Donald Trump are the hordes of people who support him. They’re a cult.

What’s disgusting is that they’ve just made it much harder for people to claim asylum. Sessions is now stating, “Generally, claims by aliens pertaining to domestic violence or gang violence perpetrated by non-governmental actors will not qualify for asylum.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-asylum/th

I watched it, too, even though it was annoying as shit to watch (I’m a masochist).

YES. What’s with this “wife and mother” bullshit? Are women suddenly delicate creatures who only exist to support their husbands and kids? Mika can be so fucking tone-deaf sometimes.

Plus, all the people who died were POC. I doubt this story even registers with our “president” in the first place, since no white people were killed.