
ME TOO...when kids seem to be at their meanest and most self-absorbed. I remember having the worst knots in my stomach every morning before school.

I listen to their podcast; it provides a good outlet for some of the rage the Trump administration brings out in me. :)

YES. It drives me crazy to think the GOP might actually get away with this shit. People getting bored, complacent and confused is exactly what they want.

Follow the law like all the money-laundering Trumps do? Or like Joe Arpaio and Roy Moore do? Or maybe follow the law the way Kirstjen Nielsen and Jeff Sessions do, when they lie under oath?

...if there are future history textbooks. ʘ_ʘ

Jesus Christ.

She’s starting a movement to protect men from feminists and promote men’s “role” as leaders.

You can tell Dummycrats is from the same English linguistic experts who brought us Obummer and libtards.

Yes, TOTALLY DIFFERENT from what Hillary Clinton did, apparently.

Yep. My sister-in-law is half white, half Korean. Her husband is white. You’d never guess their children are a quarter Korean, either. They both have blue eyes and blond hair. Growing up, they both went through stages when they looked more Asian and then less Asian. Now that they’re in college, they both pass as full

To be fair, I’ve met boiled dishrags with more personality than Harold Ford Jr.

Lol, this is so true. Every time I’ve heard him weigh in with his opinion, he makes the most generic, uncontroversial statement possible.

Thanks, I didn’t know that about Anthropologie. I probably should’ve known, considering they’re such a massively global corporation, but I naively shopped at their stores anyway. No more.

I just bought a bunch of stuff from them and hearing that they support Rick Santorum (blech) and anti-choice causes is fucking infuriating. No more Anthropologie for me.

He also said he stopped ISIS and Obama saved them by bussing them away. He’s a delusional conspiracy theorist.

Yes! It was disappointing to see the way some people reacted when women at Fox News came forward with stories. Regardless of how much I disagree with everything Gretchen Carlson or Andrea Tantaros have said over their careers at Fox News, they didn’t deserve what Roger Ailes did to them.

YES. 2017 is the year hypocrisy broke all previous records.

It’s hilarious that the very people who hyperventilate about “Sharia Law” taking over American cities are the ones who now argue for segregating men and women in professional settings. The people who rail against Muslims making women wear “heebie-jeebies” are the ones who love to shame and blame women for wearing

They’re trying their best already: