They have to be the most obnoxious and insufferable couple to ever exist. Maybe I’m just projecting my own fantasies, but I’ve noticed Morning Joe’s guests often look like they’re this close to leaping over and punching Joe in the mouth.
They have to be the most obnoxious and insufferable couple to ever exist. Maybe I’m just projecting my own fantasies, but I’ve noticed Morning Joe’s guests often look like they’re this close to leaping over and punching Joe in the mouth.
How un-self-aware can one person be? The whole family just seems so completely disconnected from reality.
I’m desperate at this point. I don’t even care what the damning info is. If it gets these morons out of office we should use it.
Yeah, it’s almost impossible for me to believe the affair rumor. I find it amazing he’s even married.
No no no no no no no no no no <covers eyes>
You’re probably right (but I’d like to think being a petty asshole is an inherent American trait I can be proud of).
Remember all the “outrage” when Trump first announced his idea of a Muslim ban? It’s very clear now that that was ALL for show. They don’t give a fuck about anything except money/their careers. Now that they have power and see the possibility of getting away with these disgustingly unethical orders, they’re A-OK with…
I’m so sick of the racist degenerates who support this shit. Their hot button issue is apparently “Muslims raping Swedish women”; I can’t even count the number of times I’ve read that today. And it’s obvious they don’t ACTUALLY care about rape - it’s all about their perceived ‘claim’ on white women as white men.
I’ve read that the harshness of his executive orders this week (the Global Gag order on foreign aid to organizations providing abortion, the Dakota pipeline, etc) have been partly out of a desire for revenge on his biggest critics (women for the Women’s March, environmental protesters, etc.). I’ve never been so scared…
That gif terrified me when I saw it. I remember thinking, “Thank god he will almost surely lose.” I don’t even want to think about it now.
This is exactly what worries me. A normal person with a conscience will age at an accelerated rate under the pressure and responsibility of the presidency. Trump has no conscience to pressure or worry him.
It gives me heart palpitations to think that he could actually hold power for FOUR YEARS. This week has been horrific; I don’t even want to think about what this country (hell, the world) could look like after four years of the Trump administration. There has to be some way the world can band together to stop a…
I feel like I walk around in a perpetual state of rage now, as does everyone I know, which obviously can’t be healthy.
I don’t think I can last four years (FOUR YEARS! ! !) like this without stroking out. Something’s got to give.
He’s right up there with Donald Trump and Richard Spencer for most punchable face ever.
This made me laugh and laugh (because it’s sadly entirely true).
#NotAllHispanics :) My family is from Argentina, and we use mayonesa a lot. We don’t use washcloths, though (at least my family never did).
Not that I recall, but her twitter feed is full of alt-right Nazis screaming “Ivanka’s prettier than you are.” I guess you’re only allowed to criticize Ivanka if you’re a supermodel.
“And win what? They don’t even know.”