
I regretfully read through those posts on Lauren Duca’s twitter. It blows me away that TUCKER FUCKING CARLSON has fans. They like to descend on people all at once – a swarm of alt-right nazis, Trump fans, gamer gaters and RWNJs bound together by their deep contempt for women.  

LOL! He’s so dashing in his business casual clown pants:

Jesus Christ, he’s a sociopath. It figures Fox News would give him a show.

He’s multi-talented.

But it’s almost always men who decide to take violent action.

I love when people insist they do this shit out of compassion.

He probably considers it an honor to be compared to Hitler.

He’s almost right. It should have been this:

Case in point: Have you seen this? It’s from Trump: Man of the Year Time Magazine article. Check out the quote from the Trump voter in the caption. I highlighted part of it.

YES. Dems have been fighting Trump as if he has an ounce of integrity; he doesn’t. The scumbag even lies about LYING.

Trump is the only one who can get away with grabbing women “by the pussy” and tweeting Alex Jones’ conspiracy theories. When people like Billy Bush and Michael G. Flynn do these things, they’re fired.

The stupidity of these people is breathtaking. They believe crazy conspiracy theories about a Democratic pedophile ring but say nothing about Donald Trump’s own incestuous comments regarding his own daughter.

It kills me that the same people who deny simple truths that are easy to fact-check (like Obama was born in the US) are the same people who fall hook, line and sinker for far-fetched absurd conspiracies like #PizzaGate.

Did he even know what the Supreme Court is? You have to start small with some people.

Perfect. It’s a perfect answer to this bullshit law.

It’s pretty revolting to watch him preening on stage. He’s a cartoon villain, the archetype even kids immediately recognize as “the bad guy.” How on earth did we elect him? This still feels like a bad dream.

nice, thanks! I was looking for something like that.

I think you have to be shameless to work for the Trump administration.

I’ve had the exact same thought. It’s pretty chilling.

I watched the whole segment in disbelief. Brook Baldwin has been reporting on the racist & misogynist garbage spewing from the Trump campaign for a year and a half now. THIS is what finally makes her tear up?!